Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011
Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011
Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011
Kebaya, Creativity Under Traditional Boundary
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The picture above shows you about Indonesian (javanese in precise) wedding dress on the last decade. Most of them not buy that uniform. They only rent. So one picture and another, one bride and another, from time to time just look similiar. Not imposible they are all rent exacly same uniform ^_^.
In modern wedding tradition, women need to be unique as a bride, so they buy their own gown. This is why kebaya as a wedding dress become popular and kebaya designer like Anne avanti got famous.

Even the patron of kebaya have limitation, creativity is unlimited. Kebaya as a wedding dress become industri, became an art, and another sub business in Indonesian wedding tradition.
Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011
Tips Ibu Hamil - 9 Makanan yang Pantang Dimakan
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KITA sering mendengar banyak pantangan makanan bagi wanita hamil. Ada yang bilang makanan itu dapat memengaruhi kesehatan bayi. Ada pula yang bilang dapat mengakibatkan keguguran.
Memang, tak semua informasi itu benar. Tak sedikit pula yang menyatakan pantangan itu sebagai mitos. Namun, banyak pantangan makanan yang telah diuji dan diperkuat secara medis.
American Pregnancy Association (APA) menyebutkan sembilan makanan yang tak boleh dikonsumsi saat hamil:
Daging atau Ikan Mentah
Hobby makan sushi tampaknya harus ditunda dulu ya. Daging atau ikan yang dimakan tanpa dimasak terlebih dahulu sangat beresiko mengandung bakteri berbahaya seperti toxoplasma dan salmonella.
Ikan Bermerkuri
Memang tidak mudah membedakan ikan dengan kandungan merkuri yang tinggi. Namun, Anda sebaiknya menghindari makanan-makanan kalengan atau tidak terlalu sering mengonsumsinya.
Telur mentah atau setengah matang
Sangat tidak dianjurkan untuk mengonsumsi telur mentah ataupun setengah matang. Bakteri Salmonella pada umumnya tinggal di sana sangat berbahaya bagi kandungan.
Aneka saus berbahan dasar telur mentah
Karena telur mentah atau setengah matang menjadi pantangan, maka salad dressing, mayonaise, ice cream homemade, custard, ataupun cream kue sebaiknya dihindari. Coret semua menu makanan yang mengandung telur mentah dari daftar menu makan Anda.
Soft Cheese
Keju-keju impor juga sebaiknya dihindari karena ditengarai bahwa keju impor mengandung bakteri yang disebut Listeria. Bakteri ini cukup berbahaya karena bisa menyebabkan pendarahan, hingga keguguran.
Susu non-pasteurisasi
Sama halnya dengan soft cheese, susu non-pasteurisasi juga ditengarai membawa bakteri Listeria.
Beberapa studi mungkin memperbolehkan wanita hamil mengonsumsi kafein. Namun, menurut studi yang ditemukan APA mengatakan bahwa kafein sangat berpengaruh terhadap keguguran, terutama pada usia kehamilan trisemester.
Kafein merupakan zat yang memicu untuk berkemih. Sehingga tubuh menjadi lemah, mudah dehidrasi, dan kekurangan kalsium.
Saat ini, dunia medis membatasi pengonsumsian kafein tidak lebih dari 300mg per hari untuk mencegah keguguran tersebut.
Minuman ini sudah lama masuk dalam daftar TIDAK BOLEH DIKONSUMSI bagi wanita hamil. Seperti diketahui, alkohol sangat berbahaya bagi siapapun yang tidak hamil. Ancaman alkohol selain berbahaya bagi ginjal dan jantung, juga berbahaya bagi seluruh bagian tubuh lainnya.
Alkohol bisa dikatakan sebagai racun, yang akan mengacaukan sistem syaraf jika dikonsumsi secara terus menerus. Pada ibu hamil dan menyusui, alkohol dapat menyebabkan gangguan mental pada bayi, dan gangguan kehamilan lainnya.
Sayuran mentah
Tak hanya ikan dan daging, sayuran mentah juga sebaiknya dihindari. Selain ancaman toxoplasma, pestisida yang dibawa oleh sayuran akan mengganggu perkembangan bayi di dalam kandungan. Sehingga pastikan semua sayuran yang Anda konsumsi dalam keadaan matang.
Nah para ibu, berhati-hatilah menjaga kehamilan agar angka kematian ibu dan bayi bisa ditekan.(kpl/***) id.berita.yahoo.com
Memang, tak semua informasi itu benar. Tak sedikit pula yang menyatakan pantangan itu sebagai mitos. Namun, banyak pantangan makanan yang telah diuji dan diperkuat secara medis.
American Pregnancy Association (APA) menyebutkan sembilan makanan yang tak boleh dikonsumsi saat hamil:
Daging atau Ikan Mentah
Hobby makan sushi tampaknya harus ditunda dulu ya. Daging atau ikan yang dimakan tanpa dimasak terlebih dahulu sangat beresiko mengandung bakteri berbahaya seperti toxoplasma dan salmonella.
Ikan Bermerkuri
Memang tidak mudah membedakan ikan dengan kandungan merkuri yang tinggi. Namun, Anda sebaiknya menghindari makanan-makanan kalengan atau tidak terlalu sering mengonsumsinya.
Telur mentah atau setengah matang
Sangat tidak dianjurkan untuk mengonsumsi telur mentah ataupun setengah matang. Bakteri Salmonella pada umumnya tinggal di sana sangat berbahaya bagi kandungan.
Aneka saus berbahan dasar telur mentah
Karena telur mentah atau setengah matang menjadi pantangan, maka salad dressing, mayonaise, ice cream homemade, custard, ataupun cream kue sebaiknya dihindari. Coret semua menu makanan yang mengandung telur mentah dari daftar menu makan Anda.
Soft Cheese
Keju-keju impor juga sebaiknya dihindari karena ditengarai bahwa keju impor mengandung bakteri yang disebut Listeria. Bakteri ini cukup berbahaya karena bisa menyebabkan pendarahan, hingga keguguran.
Susu non-pasteurisasi
Sama halnya dengan soft cheese, susu non-pasteurisasi juga ditengarai membawa bakteri Listeria.
Beberapa studi mungkin memperbolehkan wanita hamil mengonsumsi kafein. Namun, menurut studi yang ditemukan APA mengatakan bahwa kafein sangat berpengaruh terhadap keguguran, terutama pada usia kehamilan trisemester.
Kafein merupakan zat yang memicu untuk berkemih. Sehingga tubuh menjadi lemah, mudah dehidrasi, dan kekurangan kalsium.
Saat ini, dunia medis membatasi pengonsumsian kafein tidak lebih dari 300mg per hari untuk mencegah keguguran tersebut.
Minuman ini sudah lama masuk dalam daftar TIDAK BOLEH DIKONSUMSI bagi wanita hamil. Seperti diketahui, alkohol sangat berbahaya bagi siapapun yang tidak hamil. Ancaman alkohol selain berbahaya bagi ginjal dan jantung, juga berbahaya bagi seluruh bagian tubuh lainnya.
Alkohol bisa dikatakan sebagai racun, yang akan mengacaukan sistem syaraf jika dikonsumsi secara terus menerus. Pada ibu hamil dan menyusui, alkohol dapat menyebabkan gangguan mental pada bayi, dan gangguan kehamilan lainnya.
Sayuran mentah
Tak hanya ikan dan daging, sayuran mentah juga sebaiknya dihindari. Selain ancaman toxoplasma, pestisida yang dibawa oleh sayuran akan mengganggu perkembangan bayi di dalam kandungan. Sehingga pastikan semua sayuran yang Anda konsumsi dalam keadaan matang.
Nah para ibu, berhati-hatilah menjaga kehamilan agar angka kematian ibu dan bayi bisa ditekan.(kpl/***) id.berita.yahoo.com
Trik Cara Kurangi Lemak Berlebih pada Perut
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Tips Cantik - mau coba Kurangi Lemak Berlebih pada Perut ? simak saja trik Kurangi Lemak Berlebih pada Perut pada artikel ini.
Tidak percaya diri dengan perut yang tampak buncit karena lemak berlebih? Jangan khawatir, karena selalu ada cara untuk mengatasinya. Salah satunya dengan tidak melewatkan sarapan. Tapi tidak itu saja, Anda perlu delapan cara lagi untuk mendapatkan perut rata dan indah.
Jika dilakukan secara teratur, bukan hanya lemak di perut saja yang berkurang, tapi juga membentuk tubuh lebih indah dan ideal. Ini dia tipsnya, seperti dikutip dari Allwomenstalk.
1. Jangan Pernah Lewatkan Sarapan
Jika Anda tidak makan berjam-jam setelah bangun tidur di pagi hari, tubuh akan merasa sangat lapar. Mengawali hari dengan perut kosong akan memperlambat metabolisme tubuh, sehingga pembakaran kalori pun jadi lebih lambat. Seseorang harusnya memenuhi minimal 25% dari kebutuhan energi hariannya. Para ahli nutrisi percaya bahwa sarapan menjadi salah satu solusi untuk mendapatkan tubuh langsing. Jadi, sempatkanlah sarapan yang mengandung karbohidrat dan protein, seperti bubur ayam, roti dengan butter atau bubur jagung dengan telur.
2. Kontrol Asupan Makanan
Perbanyak konsumsi makanan yang 'membakar lemak' seperti nasi merah, sayur, buah segar, susu skim, telur putih dan ikan. Hindari makanan tinggi kalori, di antaranya pizza, burger, gorengan, roti, daging berlemak dan produk yang mengandung banyak gula.
3. Makan dengan Perlahan
Perut akan lebih mudah menerima makanan yang sudah dicerna dalam mulut dengan baik. Kebiasaan mengunyah makanan dengan perlahan, kecil kemungkinannya 'menimbun' berat berlebih. Otak menerima sinyal bahwa perut sudah kenyang, 20 menit setelah kita memulai makan. Karena itu dengan mengunyah lebih lama (kurang lebih 30 kunyahan), akan mencegah Anda menyantap makanan ekstra dan tidak menambah kalori.
4. Lakukan Olahraga yang Efektif dan Efisien
Olahraga kardiovaskular, atau olahraga yang memacu denyut jantung, pernafasan dan pembuluh darah adalah salah satu cara efektif jika Anda ingin membakar kalori dan mengurangi lemak berlebih dari tubuh. Lari, aerobik, bersepeda dan berenang adalah beberapa contoh olahraga kardiovaskular yang bisa Anda lakukan.
5. Banyak Minum Air Putih
Manfaat air putih bagi tubuh sudah tidak perlu diragukan lagi. Tidak hanya bermanfaat membantu fungsi otak, ginjal, hati dan mempercepat metabolisme. Cukup minum air putih sebelum makan dapat membantu menurunkan berat badan karena bisa menekan nafsu makan.
6. Tidur yang Berkualitas
Tidur kurang dari 7-8 jam sehari akan menyulitkan tubuh mengumpulkan energi untuk beraktivitas, juga mencerna makanan. Sejumlah penelitian menunjukkan, orang yang mengalami lelah setiap hari, metobilsme tubuhnya akan menurun. Metabolisme merupakan proses mengubah nutrisi makanan dan kalori menjadi energi yang dibutuhkan tubuh untuk melakukan aktivitas. Metabolisme rendah, berarti kemampuan tubuh untuk membakar kalori juga lebih sedikit. Jadi, pastikan tidur Anda cukup dan berkualitas.
7. Berjalan Kaki ke Kantor
Jika Anda mengendarai mobil, parkirlah agak jauh dari pintu masuk kantor Anda. Begitu juga jika Anda naik kendaraan umum, berhentilah di tempat yang agak jauh. Berjalan juga termasuk kegiatan berolahraga. Lakukan aktivitas ini secara rutin sebagai pengganti olahraga Anda.
8. Kurangi Konsumsi Garam
Konsumsi garam yang berlebihan membuat tubuh menahan air. Hal ini bisa membuat area perut tampak buncit. Sebab itu, hindari atau kurangi makanan yang banyak mengandung garam, salah satunya fast food. Biasakan menyajikan makanan tanpa menggunakan garam. Anda bisa menggantinya dengan berbagai macam bumbu dapur (rempah-rempah) untuk memperkaya rasa masakan. Pilih juga bahan makanan yang 'netral', seperti daging ayam tanpa kulit, susu skim, buah dan sayuran segar.
9. Hindari Stres
Saat mengalami stres berat, seseorang cenderung memilih makanan manis atau yang membuat perasaan nyaman seperti permen, cookie atau cake cokelat. Sebanya, stres bisa melepas berbagai hormon yang bisa mengubah sistem metabolisme tubuh, salah satunya cortisol. Hormon ini mampu meningkatkan nafsu makan dan mendorong keinginan untuk mengonsumsi makanan manis dan berlemak. Jadi, sebisa mungkin segera atasi saat stres mulai mendera. Caranya bisa dengan olahraga, aromaterapi atau meditasi.
source : wolipop.com
Semoga berguna Untuk anda yang ingin Kurangi Lemak berlebih pada perut
Tidak percaya diri dengan perut yang tampak buncit karena lemak berlebih? Jangan khawatir, karena selalu ada cara untuk mengatasinya. Salah satunya dengan tidak melewatkan sarapan. Tapi tidak itu saja, Anda perlu delapan cara lagi untuk mendapatkan perut rata dan indah.
Jika dilakukan secara teratur, bukan hanya lemak di perut saja yang berkurang, tapi juga membentuk tubuh lebih indah dan ideal. Ini dia tipsnya, seperti dikutip dari Allwomenstalk.
1. Jangan Pernah Lewatkan Sarapan
Jika Anda tidak makan berjam-jam setelah bangun tidur di pagi hari, tubuh akan merasa sangat lapar. Mengawali hari dengan perut kosong akan memperlambat metabolisme tubuh, sehingga pembakaran kalori pun jadi lebih lambat. Seseorang harusnya memenuhi minimal 25% dari kebutuhan energi hariannya. Para ahli nutrisi percaya bahwa sarapan menjadi salah satu solusi untuk mendapatkan tubuh langsing. Jadi, sempatkanlah sarapan yang mengandung karbohidrat dan protein, seperti bubur ayam, roti dengan butter atau bubur jagung dengan telur.
2. Kontrol Asupan Makanan
Perbanyak konsumsi makanan yang 'membakar lemak' seperti nasi merah, sayur, buah segar, susu skim, telur putih dan ikan. Hindari makanan tinggi kalori, di antaranya pizza, burger, gorengan, roti, daging berlemak dan produk yang mengandung banyak gula.
3. Makan dengan Perlahan
Perut akan lebih mudah menerima makanan yang sudah dicerna dalam mulut dengan baik. Kebiasaan mengunyah makanan dengan perlahan, kecil kemungkinannya 'menimbun' berat berlebih. Otak menerima sinyal bahwa perut sudah kenyang, 20 menit setelah kita memulai makan. Karena itu dengan mengunyah lebih lama (kurang lebih 30 kunyahan), akan mencegah Anda menyantap makanan ekstra dan tidak menambah kalori.
4. Lakukan Olahraga yang Efektif dan Efisien
Olahraga kardiovaskular, atau olahraga yang memacu denyut jantung, pernafasan dan pembuluh darah adalah salah satu cara efektif jika Anda ingin membakar kalori dan mengurangi lemak berlebih dari tubuh. Lari, aerobik, bersepeda dan berenang adalah beberapa contoh olahraga kardiovaskular yang bisa Anda lakukan.
5. Banyak Minum Air Putih
Manfaat air putih bagi tubuh sudah tidak perlu diragukan lagi. Tidak hanya bermanfaat membantu fungsi otak, ginjal, hati dan mempercepat metabolisme. Cukup minum air putih sebelum makan dapat membantu menurunkan berat badan karena bisa menekan nafsu makan.
6. Tidur yang Berkualitas
Tidur kurang dari 7-8 jam sehari akan menyulitkan tubuh mengumpulkan energi untuk beraktivitas, juga mencerna makanan. Sejumlah penelitian menunjukkan, orang yang mengalami lelah setiap hari, metobilsme tubuhnya akan menurun. Metabolisme merupakan proses mengubah nutrisi makanan dan kalori menjadi energi yang dibutuhkan tubuh untuk melakukan aktivitas. Metabolisme rendah, berarti kemampuan tubuh untuk membakar kalori juga lebih sedikit. Jadi, pastikan tidur Anda cukup dan berkualitas.
7. Berjalan Kaki ke Kantor
Jika Anda mengendarai mobil, parkirlah agak jauh dari pintu masuk kantor Anda. Begitu juga jika Anda naik kendaraan umum, berhentilah di tempat yang agak jauh. Berjalan juga termasuk kegiatan berolahraga. Lakukan aktivitas ini secara rutin sebagai pengganti olahraga Anda.
8. Kurangi Konsumsi Garam
Konsumsi garam yang berlebihan membuat tubuh menahan air. Hal ini bisa membuat area perut tampak buncit. Sebab itu, hindari atau kurangi makanan yang banyak mengandung garam, salah satunya fast food. Biasakan menyajikan makanan tanpa menggunakan garam. Anda bisa menggantinya dengan berbagai macam bumbu dapur (rempah-rempah) untuk memperkaya rasa masakan. Pilih juga bahan makanan yang 'netral', seperti daging ayam tanpa kulit, susu skim, buah dan sayuran segar.
9. Hindari Stres
Saat mengalami stres berat, seseorang cenderung memilih makanan manis atau yang membuat perasaan nyaman seperti permen, cookie atau cake cokelat. Sebanya, stres bisa melepas berbagai hormon yang bisa mengubah sistem metabolisme tubuh, salah satunya cortisol. Hormon ini mampu meningkatkan nafsu makan dan mendorong keinginan untuk mengonsumsi makanan manis dan berlemak. Jadi, sebisa mungkin segera atasi saat stres mulai mendera. Caranya bisa dengan olahraga, aromaterapi atau meditasi.
source : wolipop.com
Semoga berguna Untuk anda yang ingin Kurangi Lemak berlebih pada perut
Jumat, 17 Juni 2011
Jakarta FantastiKpop Festival 2011
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Gelaran Jakarta FantastiKpop Festival 2011 yang menghadirkan idola-idola asal Korea seperti 2AM, Miss A, Kim Hyung Jun 'SS501', JOO, dan San-E siap menggebrak Jakarta malam ini, Sabtu (18/6/2011) di Istora Senayan.
Harga Tiket Jakarta FantastiKpop Festival 2011
BlackRock Entertainment selaku penyelenggara telah menyiapkan kurang lebih 7 ribu tiket. Harga tiket beragam, mulai dari harga Rp 1,45 juta untuk kelas VIP, Tribune I Rp 1 juta, Festival seharga Rp 750 ribu, dan Tribune II seharga Rp 500 ribu. Bagi anda yang belum memiliki tiket, booth resmi dari BlackRock yang menjual tiket juga akan tersedia di Istora.
Selain konser, pihak penyelenggara juga menyiapkan sebuah area festival yang menyediakan aneka pernik hidangan makanan, aksesoris, dan panggung yang sebagian besar berbau Korea. Area festival dibuka mulai pukul 12.00.
Direktur pelaksana BlackRock Entertainment Neki Reinarto menjelaskan, festival akan dibuka oleh penampilan JOO, disusul dengan 2AM, San-E, dan Kim Hyung Jun 'SS501'. Kemudian akan ditutup oleh penampilan dari Miss A.
"Komposisi dari penyanyi yang tampil sedikit berubah karena Lee Hyun berhalangan hadir. Namun Kim Hyung Jun yang menggantikan Hyun juga tak kalah kualitasnya," jelas Neki dalam jumpa pers di Hotel Mulia, Senayan, Jakarta Selatan, Jumat (17/6/2011).
Awalnya Jakarta FantastiKpop Festival 2011 ini akan menghadirkan 2AM, Miss A, Lee Hyun, San-E, dan JOO. Namun Lee Hyun dan Jinwoon '2AM' batal hadir karena sedang sibuk mempersiapkan album masing-masing. Penyelenggara kemudian menambah anggota termuda grup SS501, Kim Hyung Jun untuk menggantikan Lee Hyun.
JOO, pasangan duet Leeteuk 'Super Junior' yang juga hadir dalam sesi jumpa pers menyatakan ia sangat senang bisa menyapa fans di Indonesia.
"Ini pertama kali saya tampil di Indonesia. Saya pasti akan berikan yang terbaik. I love Indonesian fans!" ujar JOO yang tampil cantik mengenakan dress warna khaki sambil tersenyum manis.
Sedangkan Changmin, anggota grup 2AM meyakinkan fans bahwa mereka akan tampil maksimal dan memberikan kejutan di panggung malam nanti, "Akan ada surprise dari 2AM, So please come too see us!"(via detik)
Harga Tiket Jakarta FantastiKpop Festival 2011
BlackRock Entertainment selaku penyelenggara telah menyiapkan kurang lebih 7 ribu tiket. Harga tiket beragam, mulai dari harga Rp 1,45 juta untuk kelas VIP, Tribune I Rp 1 juta, Festival seharga Rp 750 ribu, dan Tribune II seharga Rp 500 ribu. Bagi anda yang belum memiliki tiket, booth resmi dari BlackRock yang menjual tiket juga akan tersedia di Istora.
Selain konser, pihak penyelenggara juga menyiapkan sebuah area festival yang menyediakan aneka pernik hidangan makanan, aksesoris, dan panggung yang sebagian besar berbau Korea. Area festival dibuka mulai pukul 12.00.
Direktur pelaksana BlackRock Entertainment Neki Reinarto menjelaskan, festival akan dibuka oleh penampilan JOO, disusul dengan 2AM, San-E, dan Kim Hyung Jun 'SS501'. Kemudian akan ditutup oleh penampilan dari Miss A.
"Komposisi dari penyanyi yang tampil sedikit berubah karena Lee Hyun berhalangan hadir. Namun Kim Hyung Jun yang menggantikan Hyun juga tak kalah kualitasnya," jelas Neki dalam jumpa pers di Hotel Mulia, Senayan, Jakarta Selatan, Jumat (17/6/2011).
Awalnya Jakarta FantastiKpop Festival 2011 ini akan menghadirkan 2AM, Miss A, Lee Hyun, San-E, dan JOO. Namun Lee Hyun dan Jinwoon '2AM' batal hadir karena sedang sibuk mempersiapkan album masing-masing. Penyelenggara kemudian menambah anggota termuda grup SS501, Kim Hyung Jun untuk menggantikan Lee Hyun.
JOO, pasangan duet Leeteuk 'Super Junior' yang juga hadir dalam sesi jumpa pers menyatakan ia sangat senang bisa menyapa fans di Indonesia.
"Ini pertama kali saya tampil di Indonesia. Saya pasti akan berikan yang terbaik. I love Indonesian fans!" ujar JOO yang tampil cantik mengenakan dress warna khaki sambil tersenyum manis.
Sedangkan Changmin, anggota grup 2AM meyakinkan fans bahwa mereka akan tampil maksimal dan memberikan kejutan di panggung malam nanti, "Akan ada surprise dari 2AM, So please come too see us!"(via detik)
Tips Mengatasi Masalah 'Darurat' untuk Rambut Anda
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Apakah Anda pernah mengalami masalah-masalah seperti rambut kusut, tersangkut hairdryer, tertempel permen karet, lem atau cat? Pasti sangat menjengkelkan. Tapi jangan khawatir, kami punya solusinya.
Tak ada wanita yang ingin tertimpa 'bencana' secara tiba-tiba. Apalagi jika 'bencana' itu berhubungan dengan penampilan dan kecantikannya. Apa yang Anda lakukan jika tanpa diduga, rambut Anda terkena 'musibah' yang membuat Anda panik tak karuan. Dalam keadaan 'darurat' tersebut, selamatkan segera rambut Anda dengan solusi pilihan kami berikut ini.
Banyak sekali wanita yang mengaku pernah mengalami kejadian ini. Saat sedang menyisir, rambut malah tersangkut dan stuck di rambut. Jangan panik, pertama-tama yang harus Anda lakukan adalah kenali dulu jenis sisirnya. Kalau Anda memakai sisir bertombol automatic, segera tekan tombol off untuk mematikannya. Lalu gunakan gunting kuku untuk melepaskan rambut perlahan-lahan. Tapi jika Anda menggunakan sisir listrik, segera potong kabelnya dengan hati-hati. Kemudian ambil tusuk gigi untuk melepaskan rambut helai demi helai hingga ke ujungnya sampai sisir dapat dilepaskan. Jika belum berhasil, berarti Anda butuh bantuan capster atau hairstylist untuk melepaskannya.
Permen lengket di rambut Anda? Mudah saja, segera keramas dan permen pun akan terlepas. Tapi, tidak sedikit pula orang yang mengambil jalan pintas dengan memotong rambut yang dilengketi gula-gula permen tersebut.
Berbeda dengan permen biasa, permen karet yang lengket di rambut memang agak sulit dilepaskan. Tapi jangan khawatir, ada cara unik untuk menyelesaikannya. Ambil satu sendok peanut butter (selai kacang) lalu usapkan secara perlahan di rambut yang terkena permen karet sampai lepas. Setelahnya, jangan lupa keramas untuk membersihkan sisa-sisa selai yang menempel di rambut.
Kali ini kami menawarkan solusi jika rambut Anda terkena cairan pewarna kuku (kuteks). Pertama-tama, selamatkan sisa rambut yang tidak terkena kuteks. Kemudian rendam kapas ke dalam cairan pembersih kuteks (polish remover) lalu bersihkan cairan pewarna kuku yang menempel pada rambut sampai tuntas. Setelah rambut dibersihkan, jangan lupa menyisihkan rambut sampai polish remover ternetralisir dengan air (saat Anda keramas). Setelah itu, gunakan conditioner atau cream rinse untuk melindungi kutikel rambut dari kerusakan akibat cairan kuteks dan polish remover.
Jika rambut menempel di cat? Tidak ada yang bisa Anda lakukan selain keramas dan membilasnya dengan air sebanyak mungkin. Lakukan hal ini 2 hingga 3 kali, secepat mungkin sebelum cat-nya mengeras di rambut Anda. Jika sampai esok hari masih ada cat yang menempel, gunakan cara lain. Ambil kain atau kapas lalu celupkan ke dalam paint thinner (cairan pembersih tinta atau cat) untuk membersihkan cat yang lengket pada rambut. Hati-hati jangan sampai terkena mata. Setelah itu, keramas dan bilas dengan air sampai bersih. Beri sedikit cairan cuka di area rambut yang diberi paint thiner lalu sisir keseluruhan rambut selama 10 menit untuk menutup kembali kutikel rambut. Akhiri dengan dua kali keramas. Kalau cat-nya merusak warna rambut Anda, segera pergi ke salon untuk melakukan color touch up.
• VIVAnews
Tak ada wanita yang ingin tertimpa 'bencana' secara tiba-tiba. Apalagi jika 'bencana' itu berhubungan dengan penampilan dan kecantikannya. Apa yang Anda lakukan jika tanpa diduga, rambut Anda terkena 'musibah' yang membuat Anda panik tak karuan. Dalam keadaan 'darurat' tersebut, selamatkan segera rambut Anda dengan solusi pilihan kami berikut ini.
Banyak sekali wanita yang mengaku pernah mengalami kejadian ini. Saat sedang menyisir, rambut malah tersangkut dan stuck di rambut. Jangan panik, pertama-tama yang harus Anda lakukan adalah kenali dulu jenis sisirnya. Kalau Anda memakai sisir bertombol automatic, segera tekan tombol off untuk mematikannya. Lalu gunakan gunting kuku untuk melepaskan rambut perlahan-lahan. Tapi jika Anda menggunakan sisir listrik, segera potong kabelnya dengan hati-hati. Kemudian ambil tusuk gigi untuk melepaskan rambut helai demi helai hingga ke ujungnya sampai sisir dapat dilepaskan. Jika belum berhasil, berarti Anda butuh bantuan capster atau hairstylist untuk melepaskannya.
Permen lengket di rambut Anda? Mudah saja, segera keramas dan permen pun akan terlepas. Tapi, tidak sedikit pula orang yang mengambil jalan pintas dengan memotong rambut yang dilengketi gula-gula permen tersebut.
Berbeda dengan permen biasa, permen karet yang lengket di rambut memang agak sulit dilepaskan. Tapi jangan khawatir, ada cara unik untuk menyelesaikannya. Ambil satu sendok peanut butter (selai kacang) lalu usapkan secara perlahan di rambut yang terkena permen karet sampai lepas. Setelahnya, jangan lupa keramas untuk membersihkan sisa-sisa selai yang menempel di rambut.
Kali ini kami menawarkan solusi jika rambut Anda terkena cairan pewarna kuku (kuteks). Pertama-tama, selamatkan sisa rambut yang tidak terkena kuteks. Kemudian rendam kapas ke dalam cairan pembersih kuteks (polish remover) lalu bersihkan cairan pewarna kuku yang menempel pada rambut sampai tuntas. Setelah rambut dibersihkan, jangan lupa menyisihkan rambut sampai polish remover ternetralisir dengan air (saat Anda keramas). Setelah itu, gunakan conditioner atau cream rinse untuk melindungi kutikel rambut dari kerusakan akibat cairan kuteks dan polish remover.
Jika rambut menempel di cat? Tidak ada yang bisa Anda lakukan selain keramas dan membilasnya dengan air sebanyak mungkin. Lakukan hal ini 2 hingga 3 kali, secepat mungkin sebelum cat-nya mengeras di rambut Anda. Jika sampai esok hari masih ada cat yang menempel, gunakan cara lain. Ambil kain atau kapas lalu celupkan ke dalam paint thinner (cairan pembersih tinta atau cat) untuk membersihkan cat yang lengket pada rambut. Hati-hati jangan sampai terkena mata. Setelah itu, keramas dan bilas dengan air sampai bersih. Beri sedikit cairan cuka di area rambut yang diberi paint thiner lalu sisir keseluruhan rambut selama 10 menit untuk menutup kembali kutikel rambut. Akhiri dengan dua kali keramas. Kalau cat-nya merusak warna rambut Anda, segera pergi ke salon untuk melakukan color touch up.
• VIVAnews
SNSD Posisi ke 4 Dari 100 Wanita Paling Seksi di Dunia pada 2011
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Sebuah majalah pria dewasa Taiwan baru-baru ini merilis daftar '2011 Top 100 World's Sexiest Women' atau 100 Wanita Paling Seksi di Dunia pada 2011. Girlband SNSD berada di posisi ke 4 dengan 28.201 suara.


SNSD berada di atas nama-nama artis internasional seperti Jessica Alba, Natalie Portman, Anne Hathaway, dan model asal Taiwan Lin Zhi Ling. Bahkan Angelina Jolie dan Megan Fox yang telah lama memiliki citra seksi hanya berada pada urutan 54 an 60.
SNSD memang telah lama meraih popularitas di Taiwan. Tur SNSD '1st ASIA TOUR: Into The New World' di Taiwan pada 2010 lalu, dihadiri 24.000 penonton. Juga dikabarkan lebih dari 500 fans menunggu SNSD datang di bandara.
Sebelumnya, pada sebuah survei majalah wanita Korea mengenai 'artis wanita yang disukai pria dewasa' Taeyeon dan Yoona 'SNSD' masuk ke dalam daftar. Dalam survei itu, disertakan komentar dari fans yang ikut memilih.
"Tidak semua orang bisa terus berada di posisi tengah saat di atas panggung. Tapi bagaimanapun, Yoona harus lebih banyak berlatih vokal," komentar seorang fans merujuk pada Yoona yang meskipun bukan vokalis utama, selalu tampil di tengah jika sedang manggung bersama SNSD.
Sedangkan untuk Taeyeon, seorang fans berkomentar, "Bahkan jika semua vokalis girlband disatukan dalam satu panggung, Taeyeon akan tetap terlihat menonjol." Demikian seperti dilansir dkpopnews, Kamis (16/6/2011).
Pada 2010 lalu, SNSD menduduki peringkat 99 untuk dari majalah pria dewasa yang sama edisi Singapura. Saat itu, Wonder Girls menduduki posisi 38, dan Hyuna '4minute' menduduki posisi 85.


SNSD berada di atas nama-nama artis internasional seperti Jessica Alba, Natalie Portman, Anne Hathaway, dan model asal Taiwan Lin Zhi Ling. Bahkan Angelina Jolie dan Megan Fox yang telah lama memiliki citra seksi hanya berada pada urutan 54 an 60.
SNSD memang telah lama meraih popularitas di Taiwan. Tur SNSD '1st ASIA TOUR: Into The New World' di Taiwan pada 2010 lalu, dihadiri 24.000 penonton. Juga dikabarkan lebih dari 500 fans menunggu SNSD datang di bandara.
Sebelumnya, pada sebuah survei majalah wanita Korea mengenai 'artis wanita yang disukai pria dewasa' Taeyeon dan Yoona 'SNSD' masuk ke dalam daftar. Dalam survei itu, disertakan komentar dari fans yang ikut memilih.
"Tidak semua orang bisa terus berada di posisi tengah saat di atas panggung. Tapi bagaimanapun, Yoona harus lebih banyak berlatih vokal," komentar seorang fans merujuk pada Yoona yang meskipun bukan vokalis utama, selalu tampil di tengah jika sedang manggung bersama SNSD.
Sedangkan untuk Taeyeon, seorang fans berkomentar, "Bahkan jika semua vokalis girlband disatukan dalam satu panggung, Taeyeon akan tetap terlihat menonjol." Demikian seperti dilansir dkpopnews, Kamis (16/6/2011).
Pada 2010 lalu, SNSD menduduki peringkat 99 untuk dari majalah pria dewasa yang sama edisi Singapura. Saat itu, Wonder Girls menduduki posisi 38, dan Hyuna '4minute' menduduki posisi 85.
Foto Seksi Manohara Bareng Sang Ibu
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Di foto itu, bintang sinetron 'Supergirl' tersebut terlihat mengenakan jumpsuit ketat berwarna emas. Sementara, sang ibu juga tak kalah seksinya dengan dress senada berbelahan dada rendah.
Manohara dan ibunya tampak berpose dengan dua pria lain. Foto tersebut pun terlihat seperti diambil dalam sebuah klub malam.
Penampilan Daisy dalam foto tersebut sangat berbeda dengan penampilannya sehari-hari. Biasanya, ia jarang mengenakan busana seksi.
Manohara Tak Ingin Membahas Foto Seksi Bareng Ibunda
Jakarta Baru-baru ini beredar foto 'nakal' Manohara dengan sang ibu, Daisy Fajarina. Bintang sinetron 'Supergirl' itu pun tak ingin membahasnya lebih lanjut.
"Aku sudah tahu soal foto itu, tapi sudahlah jangan diperpanjang masalah foto itu," ungkap Manohara saat dihubungi melalui telepon, Jumat (17/6/2011).
Dalam foto tersebut, Manohara dan ibunya itu tampil sangat seksi. Mano sapaan akrabnya, terlihat mengenakan jumpsuit ketat berwarna emas.
Sementara, sang ibu juga tak kalah seksinya dengan dress senada berbelahan dada rendah. Manohara dan ibunya tampak berpose dengan dua pria lain.
Foto tersebut pun terlihat seperti diambil dalam sebuah klub malam.
Ini Dia Jawaban Ibunda Manohara Soal Foto Seksi Bareng Anak
Foto seksi Manohara dan Ibunda, Daisy Fajarina saat ini menjadi bahan perbincangan hangat di forum internet. Saat dikonfirmasi kedua tidak mengakui atau membantah. Ini dia jawaban ibunda Manohara.
"No comment ajah. Jangan diperpanjang, kan zaman sekarang banyak tuh mukanya siapa badannya siapa," ucapnya berkelit saat dihubungi para wartawan, Jumat (17/6/2011).
Sayangnya ibunda Manohara, tak mau berkomentar lebih lanjut. Ia hanya minta masalah foto itu tidak diperpanjang.
"Sudahlah mba jangan diperpanjang, jangan dilanjutkan lagi," tegasnya.
Dalam foto yang beredar di forum internet, Daisy sangat seksi. Ia terlihat mengenakan dress berbelahan dada rendah.
sumber berita via detik.com
Video Ebisu Muscats Banana Mango High School
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video klip milik girlband dari Jepang, Ebisu Muscats berjudul Banana Mango High School di situs Youtube.com berikut videonya
Video Ebisu Muscats Banana Mango High School via youtube.com
Uniknya, para personil Ebisu Muscats itu adalah pemain film porno asal Jepang. Dalam video yang berdurasi 4:13 menit itu, para personil Ebisu Muscats menari menggoda sambil mengenakan lingerie berwarna-warni.

Video Ebisu Muscats Banana Mango High School via youtube.com
Uniknya, para personil Ebisu Muscats itu adalah pemain film porno asal Jepang. Dalam video yang berdurasi 4:13 menit itu, para personil Ebisu Muscats menari menggoda sambil mengenakan lingerie berwarna-warni.

Ebisu Muscats Personel
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Anggota Personil Ebisu Muscats Personel - girlband ini adalah yang 25 anggotanya berasal dari bintang JAV (Japan Adult Video). Awalnya, mereka terbentuk karena sebuah acara di TV Tokyo bernama 'Onegai! Muscat'.

Ebisu Muscats Personel
Anggota Personil Ebisu Muscats digawangi 25 aktris porno profesional Jepang di antaranya Ando Aika, Aoi Sora, Asami Yuma, Fujiura Megu, Hatsune Minori, Kasumi Kaho, Kasumi Risa, Kawamura Ena, Kawamura Rika, Kirihara Erika, Kizaki Jessica, KONAN, Mihiro, Misaki Miyu, Nagasaki Airi, Nishino Shou, Ogawa Asami, Ogura Haruka, Rio, Sakuragi Rin, Sakura Kokomi, Sayama Ai, Uehara Kaera, Yamaguchi Minami dan Yoshizawa Akiho.

Ebisu Muscats Personel
Anggota Personil Ebisu Muscats digawangi 25 aktris porno profesional Jepang di antaranya Ando Aika, Aoi Sora, Asami Yuma, Fujiura Megu, Hatsune Minori, Kasumi Kaho, Kasumi Risa, Kawamura Ena, Kawamura Rika, Kirihara Erika, Kizaki Jessica, KONAN, Mihiro, Misaki Miyu, Nagasaki Airi, Nishino Shou, Ogawa Asami, Ogura Haruka, Rio, Sakuragi Rin, Sakura Kokomi, Sayama Ai, Uehara Kaera, Yamaguchi Minami dan Yoshizawa Akiho.
Ebisu Muscats
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Ebisu Muscats Profile - Ebisu Muscats adalah Girl band asal jepang, tetapi uniknya para anggotanya berjumlah 25 orang yang cantik-cantik dan seksi yang merupakan bintang porno asal jepang sana.

Ebisu Muscats
Yah ...... Ebisu Muscats adalah girlband yang 25 anggotanya berasal dari bintang JAV (Japan Adult Video). Awalnya, mereka terbentuk karena sebuah acara di TV Tokyo bernama 'Onegai! Muscat'.
Anggota Ebisu Muscats antara lain, Sora Aoi, Yuma Asami, Akiho Yoshizawa, Erika Kirihara, dan masih banyak lagi. Pada Februari 2010 lalu, girlband tersebut telah merilis single perdananya yang diberi judul 'Banana Mango High School'.
Dalam salah satu video klipnya, Ebisu Muscats tampil dengan tarian-tarian yang menggemaskan. Mereka juga tampil seksi dengan busana warna-warni dengan gayanya masing-masing.
Selain menyanyi, beberapa anggota Ebisu Muscats juga sering diminta untuk mempromosikan sebuah produk. Pada Februari lalu Rio (24), Yuma Asami (23) dan Akiho Yoshizawa (26) mempromosikan peluncuran DVD dan Blu-ray film 'The Expendables'. Saat itu, ketiganya sempat bergurau dan menyebut diri mereka sebagai'sexpendables'.

Ebisu Muscats
Yah ...... Ebisu Muscats adalah girlband yang 25 anggotanya berasal dari bintang JAV (Japan Adult Video). Awalnya, mereka terbentuk karena sebuah acara di TV Tokyo bernama 'Onegai! Muscat'.
Anggota Ebisu Muscats antara lain, Sora Aoi, Yuma Asami, Akiho Yoshizawa, Erika Kirihara, dan masih banyak lagi. Pada Februari 2010 lalu, girlband tersebut telah merilis single perdananya yang diberi judul 'Banana Mango High School'.
Dalam salah satu video klipnya, Ebisu Muscats tampil dengan tarian-tarian yang menggemaskan. Mereka juga tampil seksi dengan busana warna-warni dengan gayanya masing-masing.
Selain menyanyi, beberapa anggota Ebisu Muscats juga sering diminta untuk mempromosikan sebuah produk. Pada Februari lalu Rio (24), Yuma Asami (23) dan Akiho Yoshizawa (26) mempromosikan peluncuran DVD dan Blu-ray film 'The Expendables'. Saat itu, ketiganya sempat bergurau dan menyebut diri mereka sebagai'sexpendables'.
Zhang Ziyi - 章子怡
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Ziyi Zhang (Chinese: 章子怡, pinyin: Zhāng Zǐyí; born Feb. 9, 1979 (32 years ago)) is a Chinese movie actress and singer. Zhang is considered one of the Four Young Dan actresses (四小花旦) in China, along with Zhao Wei, Xu Jinglei, and Zhou Xun. With a string of Chinese and international hits to her name, she has worked with renowned directors such as Zhang Yimou, Ang Lee, Wong Kar-Wai, Chen Kaige, Tsui Hark, Lou Ye, Seijun Suzuki, Feng Xiaogang and Rob Marshall.
Zhang was born and raised in Beijing, China, the daughter of Zhang Yuanxiao, an economist, and Li Zhousheng, a kindergarten teacher. Zhang joined the Beijing Dance Academy at the age of 11. When Zhang's parents suggested she attend the school, she was skeptical. While at this boarding school, she noticed how catty the other girls were while competing for status amongst the teachers. Zhang disliked the attitudes of peers and teachers, so much that, on one occasion, she ran away from the school.
Zhang entered China's prestigious Central Academy of Drama (regarded as the top acting college in China) at the age of 15.
At the age of 19, Zhang was offered her first role in Zhang Yimou's The Road Home, which won the Silver Bear award in the 2000 (11 years ago) Berlin movie Festival.
Zhang further rose to fame due to her role as the headstrong Jen (Chinese version: Xia Long) in the phenomenally successful Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, for which she won several awards in the West, such as Chicago movie Critics Association Awards, Toronto movie Critics Association Awards and Independent Spirit Awards. Zhang's first appearance in an American movie was in Rush Hour 2, but because she didn't speak English at the time, Jackie Chan had to interpret everything the director said to her. In the movie, her character's name, "Hu Li," is translated from Mandarin Chinese to "Fox".
Zhang then appeared in Hero, with her early mentor Zhang Yimou, which was a huge success in the English-speaking world and nominated for an Oscar and a Golden Globe award. Her next movie was the avant-garde drama Purple Butterfly by Lou Ye, which competed at the 2003 (8 years ago) Cannes movie Festival. Zhang went back to the martial arts genre with House of Flying Daggers (十面埋伏), which earned her a Best Actress nomination from the British Academy of movie and TV Arts.
In 2046, directed by Wong Kar-wai, starring many of the best-known Chinese actors and actresses, Zhang was the female lead and won the Hong Kong movie Critics' Best Actress Award and the Hong Kong movie Academy's Best Actress Award.
Showing her whimsical musical tap-dancing side, Zhang starred in Princess Raccoon, directed by Japanese legend Seijun Suzuki, who was honored at the 2005 (6 years ago) Cannes movie Festival.
In 2005 (6 years ago), Zhang landed the lead role of Sayuri in the movie adaptation of the international bestseller Memoirs of a Geisha. There was a slight controversy in Japan about a Chinese woman portraying a Japanese Geisha. For the film, she reunited with her 2046 co-star Gong Li and with her Crouching Tiger co-star Michelle Yeoh. For the role, Zhang received a 2006 (5 years ago) Golden Globe Award nomination, a Screen Actors Guild Award nomination and a BAFTA nomination.
Zhang has also been known to sing, and was featured on the House of Flying Daggers soundtrack with her own musical rendition of the ancient Chinese poem, Jia Rén Qu (佳人曲, The Beauty Song). The song was also featured in two scenes in the film.
On Jun. 27, 2005 (6 years ago), it was announced that Zhang had accepted an invitation to join the Academy of Motion picture (wallpaper) Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), placing her among the ranks of those able to vote on the Academy Awards.
In May 2006 (5 years ago), Zhang became the youngest member to sit on the jury of the Cannes movie Festival. In the fall of 2006 (5 years ago), Zhang played Empress Wan in The Banquet (Yè Yàn 夜宴), a movie set in the Tang Dynasty.
Zhang provided the voice of Karai in the TMNT movie that was released on Mar. 23, 2007 (4 years ago). She later starred in Forever Enthralled (Mei Lanfang) (2008, 3 years ago) and appeared in The Horsemen (2009, 2 years ago) with Dennis Quaid.
Soon after Zhang's debut in Zhang Yimou's The Road Home, rumors arose regarding a possible affair between the actress and the older director. Zhang Yimou was previously involved in an extramarital affair with actress Gong Li, whom he similarly debuted and with whom Zhang Ziyi was quickly compared. However, a relationship between the two remains unconfirmed.
Hong Kong and Taiwanese media have often pushed at ties between Zhang and co-star Jackie Chan. This was fueled in part by photos that emerged of the pair during celebrations of Chan's birthday on the set of Rush Hour 2.
Zhang for a while was publicly linked with Fok Kai-shan, grandson of Hong Kong business tycoon Henry Fok.
In the Jul. 2006 (5 years ago) issue of Interview Magazine, Zhang Ziyi spoke of her movies' contents and being careful about the roles she takes on, especially in Hollywood.
“ Yes. Otherwise I could have done a lot of Hollywood movies. After Crouching Tiger I got a lot of offers, but I turned them down because they were all victim roles--poor girls sold to America to be a wife or whatever. I know I have the ability to go deeper, to take on more original roles than that. That's why I really appreciated Geisha, because it allowed us to show the world what kind of actors we are and what kind of characters we can play--not just action, kick-ass parts. ”
She stated in an early interview that if she had not become an actress, she would have liked to have been a kindergarten teacher, as she "...loves children!"
In Jan. 2007 (4 years ago), Zhang was spotted holding hands and kissing her new boyfriend at a New York basketball game. The man was identified as Israeli multi-millionaire and venture capitalist, Vivi Nevo. The two were again seen together at an Oscar party in Los Angeles. Nevo, who has previously been tied to model Kate Moss, is a major shareholder in Time Warner and an early backer of The Weinstein Company with whom Zhang is purported to have a multi-film deal. Zhang Ziyi and Nevo are currently engaged.
Other information
Of the characters making up her name, Zhāng (章) is her surname (not to be confused with the more common Zhāng 张 which is a homonym but written with a different character), Zǐ (子) means 'child' or 'esteemed person', and Yí (怡) means 'joy' or 'happiness'. She has appeared in English language movies under the name Ziyi Zhang. In an interview, she stated that the name change was her publicist's idea of a way to appeal to Western audiences.
1999 (12 years ago): The Road Home 我的父親母親
2000 (11 years ago): Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 臥虎藏龍
2001 (10 years ago): Rush Hour 2 尖峰时刻2
2001 (10 years ago): The Legend of Zu 蜀山傳
2001 (10 years ago): Musa 武士
2002 (9 years ago): Hero 英雄
2003 (8 years ago): Purple Butterfly 紫蝴蝶
2003 (8 years ago): My Wife is a Gangster 2 我老婆是大佬2
2004 (7 years ago): 2046
2004 (7 years ago): House of Flying Daggers 十面埋伏
2004 (7 years ago): Jasmine Women 茉莉花開開
2005 (6 years ago): Princess Raccoon 貍御殿
2005 (6 years ago): Memoirs of a Geisha 艺伎回忆录
2006 (5 years ago): The Banquet 夜宴
2007 (4 years ago): TMNT
2008 (3 years ago): Forever Enthralled 梅蘭芳
2009 (2 years ago): Horsemen 骑士
2009 (2 years ago): Sophie's Revenge
2009 (2 years ago): The Founding of a Republic
2009 (2 years ago): Lost for Words
2010 (last year): Waiting
1996 (15 years ago): Touching Starlight 星星點燈
Ranked 2nd of the 100 Sexiest Women by FHM Taiwan (2001, 10 years ago).
Named one of the 25 Hottest Stars Under 25 by Teen People Magazine (2001, 10 years ago).
Named one of the 25 Hottest Stars Under 25 by Teen People Magazine (2002, 9 years ago).
Ranked #91 in Stuff magazine's "102 Sexiest Women In The World" (2002, 9 years ago)
Voted in at #100 in FHM's Sexiest 100 Girls of 2002 (9 years ago), UK edition. [June 2002]
Forbes magazine's China edition recently ranked her the second most popular celebrity after NBA player 'Yao Ming'. [August 2004]
Named by Entertainment Weekly in their 'The Must List' 2005 (6 years ago). Listed 38th out of the 122 people and things the magazine "loves" this year, Ziyi was the only Chinese to be included.
Selected by Southern People Weekly magazine as 'Chinese Top Ten Leaders Of The Younger Generation' in 2005 (6 years ago).
Listed in People's '50 Most Beautiful People' List in 2005 (6 years ago).
Listed in TIME's World's 100 Most Influential People. They called her "China's Gift to Hollywood".
Ranked one of the '100 Most Beautiful Women in the World' in the Jul. 2005 (6 years ago) issue of Harpers & Queen magazine. It was her first time on the list. She was ranked number 15.
Included in People's 100 Most Beautiful People in the World the second year in a row in 2006 (5 years ago). This is now her third appearance on the list.
Voted in at #86 in FHM's sexiest women in the world in 2006 (5 years ago). She had not appeared in the list since 2002 (9 years ago).
Topped Japanese Playboy's "100 Sexiest Women in Asia" list and was featured on the cover. (April 2006 (5 years ago))
Voted #1 in E!'s Sexiest Action Stars list in summer 2007 (4 years ago).
Ranked #3 in Japanese magazine CLASSY's 'Super Perfect Head-to-Body Size Ratio List' in Jan. 2009 (2 years ago).
Source: en.wikipedia.org
Ziyi Zhang (Chinese: 章子怡, pinyin: Zhāng Zǐyí; born Feb. 9, 1979 (32 years ago)) is a Chinese movie actress and singer. Zhang is considered one of the Four Young Dan actresses (四小花旦) in China, along with Zhao Wei, Xu Jinglei, and Zhou Xun. With a string of Chinese and international hits to her name, she has worked with renowned directors such as Zhang Yimou, Ang Lee, Wong Kar-Wai, Chen Kaige, Tsui Hark, Lou Ye, Seijun Suzuki, Feng Xiaogang and Rob Marshall.
Zhang was born and raised in Beijing, China, the daughter of Zhang Yuanxiao, an economist, and Li Zhousheng, a kindergarten teacher. Zhang joined the Beijing Dance Academy at the age of 11. When Zhang's parents suggested she attend the school, she was skeptical. While at this boarding school, she noticed how catty the other girls were while competing for status amongst the teachers. Zhang disliked the attitudes of peers and teachers, so much that, on one occasion, she ran away from the school.
Zhang entered China's prestigious Central Academy of Drama (regarded as the top acting college in China) at the age of 15.
At the age of 19, Zhang was offered her first role in Zhang Yimou's The Road Home, which won the Silver Bear award in the 2000 (11 years ago) Berlin movie Festival.
Zhang further rose to fame due to her role as the headstrong Jen (Chinese version: Xia Long) in the phenomenally successful Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, for which she won several awards in the West, such as Chicago movie Critics Association Awards, Toronto movie Critics Association Awards and Independent Spirit Awards. Zhang's first appearance in an American movie was in Rush Hour 2, but because she didn't speak English at the time, Jackie Chan had to interpret everything the director said to her. In the movie, her character's name, "Hu Li," is translated from Mandarin Chinese to "Fox".
Zhang then appeared in Hero, with her early mentor Zhang Yimou, which was a huge success in the English-speaking world and nominated for an Oscar and a Golden Globe award. Her next movie was the avant-garde drama Purple Butterfly by Lou Ye, which competed at the 2003 (8 years ago) Cannes movie Festival. Zhang went back to the martial arts genre with House of Flying Daggers (十面埋伏), which earned her a Best Actress nomination from the British Academy of movie and TV Arts.
In 2046, directed by Wong Kar-wai, starring many of the best-known Chinese actors and actresses, Zhang was the female lead and won the Hong Kong movie Critics' Best Actress Award and the Hong Kong movie Academy's Best Actress Award.
Showing her whimsical musical tap-dancing side, Zhang starred in Princess Raccoon, directed by Japanese legend Seijun Suzuki, who was honored at the 2005 (6 years ago) Cannes movie Festival.
In 2005 (6 years ago), Zhang landed the lead role of Sayuri in the movie adaptation of the international bestseller Memoirs of a Geisha. There was a slight controversy in Japan about a Chinese woman portraying a Japanese Geisha. For the film, she reunited with her 2046 co-star Gong Li and with her Crouching Tiger co-star Michelle Yeoh. For the role, Zhang received a 2006 (5 years ago) Golden Globe Award nomination, a Screen Actors Guild Award nomination and a BAFTA nomination.
Zhang has also been known to sing, and was featured on the House of Flying Daggers soundtrack with her own musical rendition of the ancient Chinese poem, Jia Rén Qu (佳人曲, The Beauty Song). The song was also featured in two scenes in the film.
On Jun. 27, 2005 (6 years ago), it was announced that Zhang had accepted an invitation to join the Academy of Motion picture (wallpaper) Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), placing her among the ranks of those able to vote on the Academy Awards.
In May 2006 (5 years ago), Zhang became the youngest member to sit on the jury of the Cannes movie Festival. In the fall of 2006 (5 years ago), Zhang played Empress Wan in The Banquet (Yè Yàn 夜宴), a movie set in the Tang Dynasty.
Zhang provided the voice of Karai in the TMNT movie that was released on Mar. 23, 2007 (4 years ago). She later starred in Forever Enthralled (Mei Lanfang) (2008, 3 years ago) and appeared in The Horsemen (2009, 2 years ago) with Dennis Quaid.
Soon after Zhang's debut in Zhang Yimou's The Road Home, rumors arose regarding a possible affair between the actress and the older director. Zhang Yimou was previously involved in an extramarital affair with actress Gong Li, whom he similarly debuted and with whom Zhang Ziyi was quickly compared. However, a relationship between the two remains unconfirmed.
Hong Kong and Taiwanese media have often pushed at ties between Zhang and co-star Jackie Chan. This was fueled in part by photos that emerged of the pair during celebrations of Chan's birthday on the set of Rush Hour 2.
Zhang for a while was publicly linked with Fok Kai-shan, grandson of Hong Kong business tycoon Henry Fok.
In the Jul. 2006 (5 years ago) issue of Interview Magazine, Zhang Ziyi spoke of her movies' contents and being careful about the roles she takes on, especially in Hollywood.
“ Yes. Otherwise I could have done a lot of Hollywood movies. After Crouching Tiger I got a lot of offers, but I turned them down because they were all victim roles--poor girls sold to America to be a wife or whatever. I know I have the ability to go deeper, to take on more original roles than that. That's why I really appreciated Geisha, because it allowed us to show the world what kind of actors we are and what kind of characters we can play--not just action, kick-ass parts. ”
She stated in an early interview that if she had not become an actress, she would have liked to have been a kindergarten teacher, as she "...loves children!"
In Jan. 2007 (4 years ago), Zhang was spotted holding hands and kissing her new boyfriend at a New York basketball game. The man was identified as Israeli multi-millionaire and venture capitalist, Vivi Nevo. The two were again seen together at an Oscar party in Los Angeles. Nevo, who has previously been tied to model Kate Moss, is a major shareholder in Time Warner and an early backer of The Weinstein Company with whom Zhang is purported to have a multi-film deal. Zhang Ziyi and Nevo are currently engaged.
Other information
Of the characters making up her name, Zhāng (章) is her surname (not to be confused with the more common Zhāng 张 which is a homonym but written with a different character), Zǐ (子) means 'child' or 'esteemed person', and Yí (怡) means 'joy' or 'happiness'. She has appeared in English language movies under the name Ziyi Zhang. In an interview, she stated that the name change was her publicist's idea of a way to appeal to Western audiences.
1999 (12 years ago): The Road Home 我的父親母親
2000 (11 years ago): Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 臥虎藏龍
2001 (10 years ago): Rush Hour 2 尖峰时刻2
2001 (10 years ago): The Legend of Zu 蜀山傳
2001 (10 years ago): Musa 武士
2002 (9 years ago): Hero 英雄
2003 (8 years ago): Purple Butterfly 紫蝴蝶
2003 (8 years ago): My Wife is a Gangster 2 我老婆是大佬2
2004 (7 years ago): 2046
2004 (7 years ago): House of Flying Daggers 十面埋伏
2004 (7 years ago): Jasmine Women 茉莉花開開
2005 (6 years ago): Princess Raccoon 貍御殿
2005 (6 years ago): Memoirs of a Geisha 艺伎回忆录
2006 (5 years ago): The Banquet 夜宴
2007 (4 years ago): TMNT
2008 (3 years ago): Forever Enthralled 梅蘭芳
2009 (2 years ago): Horsemen 骑士
2009 (2 years ago): Sophie's Revenge
2009 (2 years ago): The Founding of a Republic
2009 (2 years ago): Lost for Words
2010 (last year): Waiting
1996 (15 years ago): Touching Starlight 星星點燈
Ranked 2nd of the 100 Sexiest Women by FHM Taiwan (2001, 10 years ago).
Named one of the 25 Hottest Stars Under 25 by Teen People Magazine (2001, 10 years ago).
Named one of the 25 Hottest Stars Under 25 by Teen People Magazine (2002, 9 years ago).
Ranked #91 in Stuff magazine's "102 Sexiest Women In The World" (2002, 9 years ago)
Voted in at #100 in FHM's Sexiest 100 Girls of 2002 (9 years ago), UK edition. [June 2002]
Forbes magazine's China edition recently ranked her the second most popular celebrity after NBA player 'Yao Ming'. [August 2004]
Named by Entertainment Weekly in their 'The Must List' 2005 (6 years ago). Listed 38th out of the 122 people and things the magazine "loves" this year, Ziyi was the only Chinese to be included.
Selected by Southern People Weekly magazine as 'Chinese Top Ten Leaders Of The Younger Generation' in 2005 (6 years ago).
Listed in People's '50 Most Beautiful People' List in 2005 (6 years ago).
Listed in TIME's World's 100 Most Influential People. They called her "China's Gift to Hollywood".
Ranked one of the '100 Most Beautiful Women in the World' in the Jul. 2005 (6 years ago) issue of Harpers & Queen magazine. It was her first time on the list. She was ranked number 15.
Included in People's 100 Most Beautiful People in the World the second year in a row in 2006 (5 years ago). This is now her third appearance on the list.
Voted in at #86 in FHM's sexiest women in the world in 2006 (5 years ago). She had not appeared in the list since 2002 (9 years ago).
Topped Japanese Playboy's "100 Sexiest Women in Asia" list and was featured on the cover. (April 2006 (5 years ago))
Voted #1 in E!'s Sexiest Action Stars list in summer 2007 (4 years ago).
Ranked #3 in Japanese magazine CLASSY's 'Super Perfect Head-to-Body Size Ratio List' in Jan. 2009 (2 years ago).
Source: en.wikipedia.org
Daniela Hantuchova Beats Venus
Diposting oleh
Daniela Hantuchova brought Venus Williams' Eastbourne comeback to an end as she beat the former world number one in three sets.
The world number twenty nine made the brighter start as a double break saw her ease her way to the opening set 6-2.
But the wind was a major factor in the second set and it was Williams who coped the better of the two players as she fought back from a 4-2 defect to level the match at a set a piece.
But Williams, who has been out of action since the Australian Open with a hip injury, was not able to keep it up in the decider as an early break gave Hantuchova the momentum.
Williams got just two games on the board in that final game as Hantuchova reasserted her dominance to wrap up a 6-2 5-7 6-2 victory.
Speaking to the BBC after the match Hantuchova said: "I felt I came out and played well early in the match.
"But then the wind picked up and it got difficult for both of us. It was then about who had the mentality and I came through.
"This is my most favourite time of the year - the grass season - and I'm feeling really good. My form is good."
Hantuchova will now face Petra Kvitova in the semi-finals as she had to fight back from a set down against Agnieszka Radwanska.
It was all Radwanska in that opening set as she took it 6-1 before Kvitova finally pulled herself together in the second set.
It was an equally one sided set as Kavitova dropped just two games on her way to levelling the match at a set a piece.
The decider was much more competitive and a tie-break was required to decide the winner and it was Kvitova who came through 1-6 6-2 7-6 (7-2).
source : http://www.femalefirst.co.uk
The world number twenty nine made the brighter start as a double break saw her ease her way to the opening set 6-2.
But the wind was a major factor in the second set and it was Williams who coped the better of the two players as she fought back from a 4-2 defect to level the match at a set a piece.
But Williams, who has been out of action since the Australian Open with a hip injury, was not able to keep it up in the decider as an early break gave Hantuchova the momentum.
Williams got just two games on the board in that final game as Hantuchova reasserted her dominance to wrap up a 6-2 5-7 6-2 victory.
Speaking to the BBC after the match Hantuchova said: "I felt I came out and played well early in the match.
"But then the wind picked up and it got difficult for both of us. It was then about who had the mentality and I came through.
"This is my most favourite time of the year - the grass season - and I'm feeling really good. My form is good."
Hantuchova will now face Petra Kvitova in the semi-finals as she had to fight back from a set down against Agnieszka Radwanska.
It was all Radwanska in that opening set as she took it 6-1 before Kvitova finally pulled herself together in the second set.
It was an equally one sided set as Kavitova dropped just two games on her way to levelling the match at a set a piece.
The decider was much more competitive and a tie-break was required to decide the winner and it was Kvitova who came through 1-6 6-2 7-6 (7-2).
source : http://www.femalefirst.co.uk
Reese Witherspoon
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Laura Jeanne Reese Witherspoon (born Mar. 22, 1976 (35 years ago)), better known as Reese Witherspoon, is an American actress and movie producer. In 1998 (13 years ago) she appeared in three major movies: Overnight Delivery, Pleasantville, and Twilight. The following year, Witherspoon appeared in the critically acclaimed Election, which earned her a Golden Globe nomination. 2001 (10 years ago) marked her career's turning point with the breakout role as "Elle Woods" in the box office hit Legally Blonde, and in 2002 (9 years ago) she starred in Sweet Home Alabama, which became her biggest commercial movie success to date. 2003 (8 years ago) saw her return as lead actress and executive producer of Legally Blonde 2. In 2005 (6 years ago), Witherspoon received worldwide attention and praise for her portrayal of Jun. Carter Cash in Walk the Line, which earned her an Academy Award, Golden Globe, BAFTA, and Screen Actors Guild Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role.
Witherspoon married actor and Cruel Intentions co-star Ryan Phillippe in 1999; they have two children, Ava and Deacon. The couple separated at the end of 2006 (5 years ago) and divorced in Oct. 2007 (4 years ago). Witherspoon owns a production company named Type A Films, and she is actively involved in children's and women's advocacy organizations. She serves on the board of the Children's Defense Fund (CDF), and was named Global Ambassador of Avon Products in 2007 (4 years ago), serving as honorary chair of the charitable Avon Foundation.
Witherspoon was born at the former Southern Baptist Hospital (now the Ochsner Baptist Medical Center) in New Orleans, Louisiana, where her parents were living while her father was a student at Tulane University medical school. Her father, John Witherspoon, is a Georgia-born otolaryngologist who previously served as a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army reserves. Her mother, Betty (née Reese), is from Harriman, Tennessee, has a Ph.D. in pediatric nursing and works as a professor of nursing at Vanderbilt University. Witherspoon has claimed to be a descendant of Scottish-born John Witherspoon, the sixth president of Princeton University and a signatory of the United States Declaration of Independence. This genealogical claim, however, has never been verified. Because Witherspoon's father worked for the U.S. military in Wiesbaden, Germany, she lived there for four years as a small child. After returning to the U.S., she settled and spent her childhood in Nashville, Tennessee, where she was raised as an Episcopalian.
Witherspoon was selected as a model for a florist's TV advertisements at age seven, which motivated her to take acting lessons. At age eleven she took first place in the Ten-State Talent Fair. Witherspoon received good grades in school; she loved reading and considered herself "a big dork who read loads of books." On mentioning her love for books, she said, "I get crazy in a bookstore. It makes my heart beat hard because I want to buy everything." Witherspoon attended middle school at Harding Academy and graduated from the prestigious all-girls' Harpeth Hall School in Nashville, Tennessee, during which time she was a cheerleader. She attended Stanford University as an English literature major. After completing one year of studies, she left Stanford to pursue an acting career.
Witherspoon is proud of the "definitive Southern upbringing" she received, which, as she said, gave her "a sense of family and tradition" and taught her about "being conscientious about people's feelings, being polite, being responsible and never taking for granted what you have in your life." Witherspoon is described as a "multi-achiever" and was given the nickname "Little Type A" by her parents. On discussing her early achievements, she told Interview magazine, "I just don't see any of it as that remarkable. Maybe that's the attitude I choose to have to keep me sane and keep my feet on the ground. I grew up in an environment where women accomplished a lot. And if they weren't able to, it was because they were limited by society."
1990-1998: Early work
In 1990 (21 years ago), Witherspoon attended an open casting call for The Man in the Moon with some friends, intending to audition as a bit player. She was instead cast in the lead role of Dani Trant, a 14-year-old country girl who falls in love for the first time with her 17-year-old neighbor. Her performance was regarded as "memorably touching" by Variety magazine, and critic Roger Ebert commented, "Her first kiss is one of the most perfect little scenes I've ever seen in a movie." For this role, Witherspoon was nominated for the Young Artist Award Best Young Actress. Later that year, she made her TV acting debut in the cable movie Wildflower, directed by Diane Keaton and starring Patricia Arquette. In 1992 (19 years ago), Witherspoon appeared in the TV movie Desperate Choices: To Save My Child, portraying a critically ill young girl. In 1993 (18 years ago), she played a young wife in the CBS mini series Return to Lonesome Dove, and got a starring role as the leading character Nonnie Parker, a South African girl who must cross 1,250 miles (2,000 km) of the Kalahari, in the teen-aimed Disney movie A Far Off Place. In the same year, Witherspoon had a minor role in Jack the Bear, which garnered her the Young Artist Award for Best Youth Actress Co-star. The following year, Witherspoon acted in another leading role as Wendy Pfister in the 1994 (17 years ago) movie S.F.W., directed by Jefery Levy.
In 1996 (15 years ago), Witherspoon was offered parts in two major movies. She appeared in the thriller Fear alongside Mark Wahlberg (3 walls) and Alyssa Milano (85 walls), playing the role of Nicole Walker, a teenage girl with a handsome boyfriend who turns out to be a violent psychopath. She was also the leading actress in the thriller and black comedy Freeway, starring alongside Kiefer Sutherland and Brooke Shields. Her character, Vanessa Lutz, is a poor girl living in Los Angeles, who, on the way to her grandmother's home in Stockton, encounters a freeway serial killer. The movie received positive reviews from the press. Among them was the San Francisco Chronicle, with Mick LaSalle commenting, "Witherspoon, who does a shrill Texas accent, is dazzling, utterly believable in one extreme situation after the other." Witherspoon's performance won her the Best Actress Award at the Cognac Police movie Festival, and firmly established her as a rising star. The making of the movie also gave Witherspoon significant acting experience; as she said, "Once I overcame the hurdle of that movie – which scared me to death – I felt like I could try anything." Following completion of Freeway in 1997 (14 years ago), Witherspoon took a break from acting in major movies for a year, and began dating actor Ryan Phillippe. She returned to the screen in 1998 (13 years ago) with major roles in three movies, Overnight Delivery, Pleasantville and Twilight. In Pleasantville, Witherspoon starred alongside Tobey Maguire in a tale about a pair of 1990 (21 years ago) teenage siblings who are magically transported into the setting of a 1950 (61 years ago) TV series. She portrayed the sister Jennifer, who is mainly concerned about appearances, relationships, and popularity. Witherspoon's performance received good reviews and garnered her the Young Hollywood Award for Best Female Breakthrough Performance. Director Gary Ross said he firmly believed Witherspoon was going to be an outstanding movie star.
1999-2000: Early critical success
In 1999 (12 years ago), Witherspoon starred alongside Alessandro Nivola in the drama thriller Best Laid Plans; she played Lissa, a woman who schemes with her lover Nick to escape a small, dead-end town. In this same year, she co-starred with Sarah Michelle Gellar (29 walls) and Ryan Phillippe in the drama movie Cruel Intentions, a modern take on the 18th-century French novel Les Liaisons Dangereuses. Her performance as Annette Hargrove was praised by the San Francisco Chronicle: "Witherspoon is especially good in the least flashy role, and even when called upon to make a series of cute devilish faces, she pulls it off." Coincidentally, she appeared in a music video by Marcy Playground for the film's soundtrack. In the same year, Witherspoon and Matthew Broderick starred in the movie adaptation of the 1998 (13 years ago) novel Election by Tom Perrotta. She portrayed Tracy Flick, a competitive and ambitious over-achiever who runs for student body president. She received vast critical acclaim for her performance and won the Best Actress Award from the National Society of movie Critics and the Online movie Critics Society, a first Golden Globe nomination and an Independent Spirit Award nomination. Witherspoon also received a rank on the list of 100 Greatest movie Performances of All Time by Premiere. Academy Award - winning director Alexander Payne praised her: "She's got that quality that men find attractive, while women would like to be her friend. But that's just the foundation. Nobody else is as funny or brings such charm to things. She can do anything." In spite of her successful performance, Witherspoon noted in an interview that she struggled to find work after completing the film, due to typecasting. When analyzing the reasons behind her difficulty to find work, Witherspoon commented "I think because the character I played was so extreme and sort of shrewish – people thought that was who I was, rather than me going in and creating a part. I would audition for things, and I'd always be the second choice – studios never wanted to hire me, and I wasn't losing the parts to big box office actresses but to ones who I guess people felt differently about."
In 2000 (11 years ago), Witherspoon received a supporting role in American Psycho and made a cameo appearance in Little Nicky. She also appeared as a guest star in season six of Friends, playing the role of Jill Green, Rachel Green's sister. The next year, Witherspoon provided the voice of Serena in the animated movie The Trumpet of the Swan, produced by Crest Animation Productions.
2001-2004: Worldwide recognition
2001 marked a significant turning point in Witherspoon's career, when she starred in the feature movie Legally Blonde. She portrayed Elle Woods, a fashion merchandising major who decides to become a law student in order to follow her ex-boyfriend to Harvard University. Speaking about Woods' character, Witherspoon said "When I read Legally Blonde, I was like, 'She's from Beverly Hills, she's rich, she's in a sorority. She has a great boyfriend. Oh yeah, she gets dumped. Who cares? I still hate her.' So we had to make sure she was the kind of person you just can't hate." Legally Blonde was a box office hit, grossing US$96 million domestically. Witherspoon's performance earned her praise from critics, as the press began referring to her as "the new Meg Ryan". Roger Ebert commented, "Witherspoon effortlessly animated this material with sunshine and quick wit", and Salon.com noted that "she [Witherspoon] delineates Elle's character beautifully". Meanwhile, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer concluded, "Witherspoon is a talented comedian who can perk up a scene just by marching in full of pep and drive and she powers this modest little comedy almost single-handedly." For her work, Witherspoon garnered her second Golden Globe Best Actress nomination and an MTV Movie Award for Best Comedic Performance.
Following the success of Legally Blond, Witherspoon starred in several roles. In 2002 (9 years ago), Witherspoon provided the voice of the animated character Greta Wolfcastle in The Simpsons (15 walls) (1 walls) episode The Bart Wants What It Wants. In the same year, she portrayed Cecily in the comedy The Importance of Being Earnest, a movie adaptation of a play by Oscar Wilde; she received a Teen Choice Award nomination for her performance. Her next feature movie in 2002 (9 years ago) was Sweet Home Alabama, a movie directed by Andy Tennant. Witherspoon, alongside Josh Lucas and Patrick Dempsey, played Melanie Carmichael, a young fashion designer who intends to marry a New York politician but must return to Alabama to divorce her childhood sweetheart, from whom she has been separated for seven years. Witherspoon regarded this as a "personal role" in that the role reminded her of experiences she had when she moved from her hometown Nashville to Los Angeles. The movie became Witherspoon's biggest box office hit to date, earning over $35 million in the opening weekend and grossing over $127 million domestically in the US. Despite the commercial success, Sweet Home Alabama was given negative reviews by critics. It was called "a romantic comedy so rote, dull and predictable" by The Miami Herald, and the press widely agreed that Witherspoon was the only factor that helped the movie attract a large audience. When describing Witherspoon's role in the movie, The Christian Science Monitor concluded, "She is not the movie's main attraction, she is its only attraction."
Witherspoon signing autographs at the premiere of Walk The Line.In 2003 (8 years ago), Witherspoon followed up the success of Legally Blonde by starring in the sequel Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde. Her character, Elle Woods, has become a Harvard-educated lawyer who is determined to protect animals from cosmetics-industry science tests. The sequel was not as financially successful as the first movie, and it generated mostly critical reviews. USA Today considered the movie "plodding, unfunny and almost cringe-worthy", but also noted that "Reese Witherspoon still does a fine job portraying the fair-haired lovable brainiac, but her top-notch comic timing is wasted on the humorless dialogue." Meanwhile, Salon.com concluded that the sequel "calcifies everything that was enjoyable about the first movie". Despite being panned by critics, the sequel took over $39 million in its first five days in the U.S. box office charts and went on to gross $90 million in the US. Witherspoon received a $15 million paycheck for the role - a starting point to make her consistently one of Hollywood's highest paid actresses from 2002 (9 years ago) onwards.
In 2004 (7 years ago), Witherspoon starred in Vanity Fair, adapted from the 19th-century classic novel Vanity Fair and directed by Mira Nair. Witherspoon's character – Becky Sharp – is a woman whose impoverished childhood turns her into an ambitious person with a ruthless determination to find fortune and establish herself a position in society. Witherspoon was pregnant during the filmmaking of this movie and was therefore carefully costumed to conceal her pregnancy. This pregnancy was not a hindrance to her work, as Witherspoon believed the gestation had in fact helped her portrayal of Sharp's character: "I love the luminosity that pregnancy brings, I love the fleshiness, I love the ample bosom—it gave me much more to play with", she said. The movie and Witherspoon's portrayal of Sharp received good reviews, as The Hollywood Reporter wrote, "Nair's cast is splendid. Witherspoon does justice to the juicy role by giving the part more buoyancy than naughtiness." At the same time, The Charlotte Observer called her work "an excellent performance that's soft around the edges" and the Los Angeles Times concluded that Becky is "a part Reese Witherspoon was born to play".
2005-Present: Walk the Line and beyond
Witherspoon with President Barack Obama in the Oval Office on Jun. 25, 2009In late 2004 (7 years ago), Witherspoon began working alongside Mark Ruffalo on the romantic comedy Just Like Heaven. Her character, Elizabeth Masterson, is an ambitious young doctor left in a coma by a serious car accident; her spirit returns to her old apartment where she later finds true love.
Earlier that year Witherspoon was chosen to portray Jun. Carter Cash, the second wife of country music singer and songwriter Johnny Cash, in Walk the Line. She never had the chance to meet Carter Cash, as Witherspoon was filming Vanity Fair at the time Carter Cash died. Witherspoon performed her own vocals in the movie, and her songs had to be performed in front of a live audience. When she learned that she had to perform live, Witherspoon was so worried that she asked her lawyer to terminate the movie contract. "That was the most challenging part of the role," she later recalled in an interview, "I'd never sung professionally." Subsequently, she had to spend six months learning how to sing for the role. Witherspoon's portrayal of Carter Cash was well received by critics, and Roger Ebert wrote that her performance added "boundless energy" to the movie. She won several awards for her performance, including the Golden Globe Award, the Screen Actors Guild, the BAFTA and the Academy Award for Best Actress in a Lead Role. Besides critical success in the movie industry, Witherspoon and her co-star in Walk the Line Joaquin Phoenix received a nomination for "collaborative video of the year" from the CMT Music Awards. Witherspoon expressed her passion for the movie: "I really like in this movie that it is realistic and portrays sort of a real marriage, a real relationship where there are forbidden thoughts and fallibility. And it is about compassion in the long haul, not just the short easy solutions to problems." She also spoke about Jun. Carter Cash, stating that she believed Carter Cash was a woman ahead of her time: "I think the really remarkable thing about her character is that she did all of these things that we sort of see as normal things in the 1950 (61 years ago) when it wasn't really acceptable for a woman to be married and divorced twice and have two different children by two different husbands and travel around in a car full of very famous musicians all by herself. She didn't try to comply to social convention, so I think that makes her a very modern woman."
Witherspoon's first post-Oscar role came in the modern-day fairy tale Penelope, co-starring Christina Ricci. Witherspoon played the supporting role of Annie, the best friend of Penelope, a girl who has a curse in her family. The movie was produced by Witherspoon's company Type A movies and premiered at the 2006 (5 years ago) Toronto International movie Festival. The final release date of Penelope was delayed twice, and the movie was then set for a Feb. 2008 (3 years ago) release.
Witherspoon was back in front of the camera again in Nov. 2006 (5 years ago), as shooting began for the political thriller Rendition. She starred alongside Meryl Streep, Alan Arkin, Peter Sarsgaard, and Jake Gyllenhaal (6 walls), playing Isabella El-Ibrahim, the pregnant wife of a bombing suspect. Rendition was released in Oct. 2007 (4 years ago) and marked Witherspoon's first appearance in theaters in two years, since the 2005 (6 years ago) release of Walk the Line. The movie received mostly negative reviews, and was generally considered a disappointment at the Toronto movie Festival. Witherspoon's performance was also criticized: "Reese Witherspoon is surprisingly lifeless", USA Today wrote, "She customarily injects energy and spirit into her parts, but here, her performance feels tamped down." In dec. 2007 (4 years ago), Witherspoon began filming the holiday comedy Four Christmases, a story about a couple who have to spend their Christmas Day trying to visit all four of their divorced parents, and in which she stars alongside Vince Vaughn. The movie was released in Nov. 2008 (3 years ago). Despite only receiving average reviews by critics, the movie became a box office success, earning more than 120 million US dollars domestically, and US$157m worldwide.
In 2009 (2 years ago), Witherspoon will take on the horror genre for the first time as a star of Our Family Troubles, which she will produce under the Type A banner, partnering with Jennifer Simpson, co-producer of Legally Blonde 2. She also provided the voice for Susan Murphy, the main character of the computer-animated 3-D feature movie Monsters vs. Aliens, which had a Mar. 27, 2009 (2 years ago) release from DreamWorks Animation. Her future projects include voicing in The Bear and the Bow, a computer-animated 3-D movie produced by Pixar Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures; the movie is scheduled for a release in Christmas 2011 (this year). Another movie on the slate for the future is Witherspoon is a Universal pictures (wallpaper) remake of the 1939 (72 years ago) comedy Midnight, scripted by Michael Arndt.
Witherspoon met American actor Ryan Phillippe at her 21st birthday party in Mar. 1997 (14 years ago), where she introduced herself to him saying "I think you're my birthday present." The couple became engaged in dec. 1998 (13 years ago), and got married in Charleston, South Carolina on Jun. 5, 1999 (12 years ago) at Wide Awake Plantation, following the release of the box office hit Cruel Intentions. They have two children: a daughter named Ava Elizabeth, born sep. 9, 1999 (12 years ago), and a son Deacon Reese, born Oct. 23, 2003 (8 years ago). To be able to look after the children, the couple alternated shooting schedules for their films.
By 2005 (6 years ago), in response to news reports of Witherspoon and Phillippe receiving marriage counseling, Witherspoon stated, "We've done that in the past, and it's always struck me as odd that people grabbed onto that story and made it sound so negative." In dec. 2005 (6 years ago), she said on The Oprah Winfrey Show, "In what capacity is working on yourself or your marriage a bad thing? What marriage isn't a journey?... Nobody's perfect... We all have our own set of problems." That same month, Witherspoon also said in an interview, "I think if anybody rests on the idea that they are perfect or their life is perfect or their relationship is perfect and is so troubled about destroying the facade as opposed to getting to what's real, that is troublesome."
Separation and divorce
In Oct. 2006 (5 years ago), Witherspoon and Phillippe announced that they decided to formally separate after seven years of marriage. The following month, Witherspoon filed for divorce, citing irreconcilable differences. In her petition she sought joint legal custody of their two children and sole physical custody, with full visitation rights for Phillippe. The couple had no prenuptial agreement and the couple would be entitled to half of all assets gained during the marriage under California law, with Witherspoon's being the more significant. Witherspoon requested that the court grant no spousal support for Phillippe, which he did not contest. On May 15, 2007 (4 years ago), Phillippe filed for joint physical custody of the couple's children, and made no motion to block Witherspoon from seeking support from him. In sep. 2007 (4 years ago), Witherspoon spoke openly about the separation for the first time when she told Elle magazine that it was "a difficult and frightening experience" for her. Witherspoon and Phillippe's final divorce documents were granted by the Los Angeles Superior Court on Oct. 5, 2007 (4 years ago), ending their marriage.
Throughout 2007 (4 years ago), there was persistent speculation in the mass media about a romantic relationship between Witherspoon and her Rendition co-star Jake Gyllenhaal. The pair denied the rumors while promoting Rendition in the fall of 2007 (4 years ago). However, after the finalization of Witherspoon's divorce in Oct. 2007 (4 years ago), Gyllenhaal and Witherspoon became more open with their relationship, particularly due to the release of paparazzi pictures (wallpaper) that showed the couple vacationing together in Rome. The couple has since been regularly photographed together by paparazzi. In Mar. 2008 (3 years ago), Phillippe was the first to confirm the relationship in interviews conducted during the promotion of his latest film. Witherspoon personally confirmed her relationship with Gyllenhaal in an interview for the Nov. 2008 (3 years ago) issue of Vogue magazine, calling her boyfriend "very supportive".
The Man in the Moon
Desperate Choices: To Save My Child
A Far Off Place
Jack the Bear
Twilight (54 walls)
Overnight Delivery
Cruel Intentions
Best Laid Plans
Little Nicky
American Psycho
The Trumpet of the Swan
Legally Blonde
The Importance of Being Earnest
Sweet Home Alabama
Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde
Vanity Fair
Walk the Line
Just Like Heaven
Four Christmases
Monsters vs. Aliens
King of the Hill
The Simpsons (15 walls) (1 walls)
Legally Blondes
Walk the Line
Source: en.wikipedia.org
Laura Jeanne Reese Witherspoon (born Mar. 22, 1976 (35 years ago)), better known as Reese Witherspoon, is an American actress and movie producer. In 1998 (13 years ago) she appeared in three major movies: Overnight Delivery, Pleasantville, and Twilight. The following year, Witherspoon appeared in the critically acclaimed Election, which earned her a Golden Globe nomination. 2001 (10 years ago) marked her career's turning point with the breakout role as "Elle Woods" in the box office hit Legally Blonde, and in 2002 (9 years ago) she starred in Sweet Home Alabama, which became her biggest commercial movie success to date. 2003 (8 years ago) saw her return as lead actress and executive producer of Legally Blonde 2. In 2005 (6 years ago), Witherspoon received worldwide attention and praise for her portrayal of Jun. Carter Cash in Walk the Line, which earned her an Academy Award, Golden Globe, BAFTA, and Screen Actors Guild Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role.
Witherspoon married actor and Cruel Intentions co-star Ryan Phillippe in 1999; they have two children, Ava and Deacon. The couple separated at the end of 2006 (5 years ago) and divorced in Oct. 2007 (4 years ago). Witherspoon owns a production company named Type A Films, and she is actively involved in children's and women's advocacy organizations. She serves on the board of the Children's Defense Fund (CDF), and was named Global Ambassador of Avon Products in 2007 (4 years ago), serving as honorary chair of the charitable Avon Foundation.
Witherspoon was born at the former Southern Baptist Hospital (now the Ochsner Baptist Medical Center) in New Orleans, Louisiana, where her parents were living while her father was a student at Tulane University medical school. Her father, John Witherspoon, is a Georgia-born otolaryngologist who previously served as a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army reserves. Her mother, Betty (née Reese), is from Harriman, Tennessee, has a Ph.D. in pediatric nursing and works as a professor of nursing at Vanderbilt University. Witherspoon has claimed to be a descendant of Scottish-born John Witherspoon, the sixth president of Princeton University and a signatory of the United States Declaration of Independence. This genealogical claim, however, has never been verified. Because Witherspoon's father worked for the U.S. military in Wiesbaden, Germany, she lived there for four years as a small child. After returning to the U.S., she settled and spent her childhood in Nashville, Tennessee, where she was raised as an Episcopalian.
Witherspoon was selected as a model for a florist's TV advertisements at age seven, which motivated her to take acting lessons. At age eleven she took first place in the Ten-State Talent Fair. Witherspoon received good grades in school; she loved reading and considered herself "a big dork who read loads of books." On mentioning her love for books, she said, "I get crazy in a bookstore. It makes my heart beat hard because I want to buy everything." Witherspoon attended middle school at Harding Academy and graduated from the prestigious all-girls' Harpeth Hall School in Nashville, Tennessee, during which time she was a cheerleader. She attended Stanford University as an English literature major. After completing one year of studies, she left Stanford to pursue an acting career.
Witherspoon is proud of the "definitive Southern upbringing" she received, which, as she said, gave her "a sense of family and tradition" and taught her about "being conscientious about people's feelings, being polite, being responsible and never taking for granted what you have in your life." Witherspoon is described as a "multi-achiever" and was given the nickname "Little Type A" by her parents. On discussing her early achievements, she told Interview magazine, "I just don't see any of it as that remarkable. Maybe that's the attitude I choose to have to keep me sane and keep my feet on the ground. I grew up in an environment where women accomplished a lot. And if they weren't able to, it was because they were limited by society."
1990-1998: Early work
In 1990 (21 years ago), Witherspoon attended an open casting call for The Man in the Moon with some friends, intending to audition as a bit player. She was instead cast in the lead role of Dani Trant, a 14-year-old country girl who falls in love for the first time with her 17-year-old neighbor. Her performance was regarded as "memorably touching" by Variety magazine, and critic Roger Ebert commented, "Her first kiss is one of the most perfect little scenes I've ever seen in a movie." For this role, Witherspoon was nominated for the Young Artist Award Best Young Actress. Later that year, she made her TV acting debut in the cable movie Wildflower, directed by Diane Keaton and starring Patricia Arquette. In 1992 (19 years ago), Witherspoon appeared in the TV movie Desperate Choices: To Save My Child, portraying a critically ill young girl. In 1993 (18 years ago), she played a young wife in the CBS mini series Return to Lonesome Dove, and got a starring role as the leading character Nonnie Parker, a South African girl who must cross 1,250 miles (2,000 km) of the Kalahari, in the teen-aimed Disney movie A Far Off Place. In the same year, Witherspoon had a minor role in Jack the Bear, which garnered her the Young Artist Award for Best Youth Actress Co-star. The following year, Witherspoon acted in another leading role as Wendy Pfister in the 1994 (17 years ago) movie S.F.W., directed by Jefery Levy.
In 1996 (15 years ago), Witherspoon was offered parts in two major movies. She appeared in the thriller Fear alongside Mark Wahlberg (3 walls) and Alyssa Milano (85 walls), playing the role of Nicole Walker, a teenage girl with a handsome boyfriend who turns out to be a violent psychopath. She was also the leading actress in the thriller and black comedy Freeway, starring alongside Kiefer Sutherland and Brooke Shields. Her character, Vanessa Lutz, is a poor girl living in Los Angeles, who, on the way to her grandmother's home in Stockton, encounters a freeway serial killer. The movie received positive reviews from the press. Among them was the San Francisco Chronicle, with Mick LaSalle commenting, "Witherspoon, who does a shrill Texas accent, is dazzling, utterly believable in one extreme situation after the other." Witherspoon's performance won her the Best Actress Award at the Cognac Police movie Festival, and firmly established her as a rising star. The making of the movie also gave Witherspoon significant acting experience; as she said, "Once I overcame the hurdle of that movie – which scared me to death – I felt like I could try anything." Following completion of Freeway in 1997 (14 years ago), Witherspoon took a break from acting in major movies for a year, and began dating actor Ryan Phillippe. She returned to the screen in 1998 (13 years ago) with major roles in three movies, Overnight Delivery, Pleasantville and Twilight. In Pleasantville, Witherspoon starred alongside Tobey Maguire in a tale about a pair of 1990 (21 years ago) teenage siblings who are magically transported into the setting of a 1950 (61 years ago) TV series. She portrayed the sister Jennifer, who is mainly concerned about appearances, relationships, and popularity. Witherspoon's performance received good reviews and garnered her the Young Hollywood Award for Best Female Breakthrough Performance. Director Gary Ross said he firmly believed Witherspoon was going to be an outstanding movie star.
1999-2000: Early critical success
In 1999 (12 years ago), Witherspoon starred alongside Alessandro Nivola in the drama thriller Best Laid Plans; she played Lissa, a woman who schemes with her lover Nick to escape a small, dead-end town. In this same year, she co-starred with Sarah Michelle Gellar (29 walls) and Ryan Phillippe in the drama movie Cruel Intentions, a modern take on the 18th-century French novel Les Liaisons Dangereuses. Her performance as Annette Hargrove was praised by the San Francisco Chronicle: "Witherspoon is especially good in the least flashy role, and even when called upon to make a series of cute devilish faces, she pulls it off." Coincidentally, she appeared in a music video by Marcy Playground for the film's soundtrack. In the same year, Witherspoon and Matthew Broderick starred in the movie adaptation of the 1998 (13 years ago) novel Election by Tom Perrotta. She portrayed Tracy Flick, a competitive and ambitious over-achiever who runs for student body president. She received vast critical acclaim for her performance and won the Best Actress Award from the National Society of movie Critics and the Online movie Critics Society, a first Golden Globe nomination and an Independent Spirit Award nomination. Witherspoon also received a rank on the list of 100 Greatest movie Performances of All Time by Premiere. Academy Award - winning director Alexander Payne praised her: "She's got that quality that men find attractive, while women would like to be her friend. But that's just the foundation. Nobody else is as funny or brings such charm to things. She can do anything." In spite of her successful performance, Witherspoon noted in an interview that she struggled to find work after completing the film, due to typecasting. When analyzing the reasons behind her difficulty to find work, Witherspoon commented "I think because the character I played was so extreme and sort of shrewish – people thought that was who I was, rather than me going in and creating a part. I would audition for things, and I'd always be the second choice – studios never wanted to hire me, and I wasn't losing the parts to big box office actresses but to ones who I guess people felt differently about."
In 2000 (11 years ago), Witherspoon received a supporting role in American Psycho and made a cameo appearance in Little Nicky. She also appeared as a guest star in season six of Friends, playing the role of Jill Green, Rachel Green's sister. The next year, Witherspoon provided the voice of Serena in the animated movie The Trumpet of the Swan, produced by Crest Animation Productions.
2001-2004: Worldwide recognition
2001 marked a significant turning point in Witherspoon's career, when she starred in the feature movie Legally Blonde. She portrayed Elle Woods, a fashion merchandising major who decides to become a law student in order to follow her ex-boyfriend to Harvard University. Speaking about Woods' character, Witherspoon said "When I read Legally Blonde, I was like, 'She's from Beverly Hills, she's rich, she's in a sorority. She has a great boyfriend. Oh yeah, she gets dumped. Who cares? I still hate her.' So we had to make sure she was the kind of person you just can't hate." Legally Blonde was a box office hit, grossing US$96 million domestically. Witherspoon's performance earned her praise from critics, as the press began referring to her as "the new Meg Ryan". Roger Ebert commented, "Witherspoon effortlessly animated this material with sunshine and quick wit", and Salon.com noted that "she [Witherspoon] delineates Elle's character beautifully". Meanwhile, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer concluded, "Witherspoon is a talented comedian who can perk up a scene just by marching in full of pep and drive and she powers this modest little comedy almost single-handedly." For her work, Witherspoon garnered her second Golden Globe Best Actress nomination and an MTV Movie Award for Best Comedic Performance.
Following the success of Legally Blond, Witherspoon starred in several roles. In 2002 (9 years ago), Witherspoon provided the voice of the animated character Greta Wolfcastle in The Simpsons (15 walls) (1 walls) episode The Bart Wants What It Wants. In the same year, she portrayed Cecily in the comedy The Importance of Being Earnest, a movie adaptation of a play by Oscar Wilde; she received a Teen Choice Award nomination for her performance. Her next feature movie in 2002 (9 years ago) was Sweet Home Alabama, a movie directed by Andy Tennant. Witherspoon, alongside Josh Lucas and Patrick Dempsey, played Melanie Carmichael, a young fashion designer who intends to marry a New York politician but must return to Alabama to divorce her childhood sweetheart, from whom she has been separated for seven years. Witherspoon regarded this as a "personal role" in that the role reminded her of experiences she had when she moved from her hometown Nashville to Los Angeles. The movie became Witherspoon's biggest box office hit to date, earning over $35 million in the opening weekend and grossing over $127 million domestically in the US. Despite the commercial success, Sweet Home Alabama was given negative reviews by critics. It was called "a romantic comedy so rote, dull and predictable" by The Miami Herald, and the press widely agreed that Witherspoon was the only factor that helped the movie attract a large audience. When describing Witherspoon's role in the movie, The Christian Science Monitor concluded, "She is not the movie's main attraction, she is its only attraction."
Witherspoon signing autographs at the premiere of Walk The Line.In 2003 (8 years ago), Witherspoon followed up the success of Legally Blonde by starring in the sequel Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde. Her character, Elle Woods, has become a Harvard-educated lawyer who is determined to protect animals from cosmetics-industry science tests. The sequel was not as financially successful as the first movie, and it generated mostly critical reviews. USA Today considered the movie "plodding, unfunny and almost cringe-worthy", but also noted that "Reese Witherspoon still does a fine job portraying the fair-haired lovable brainiac, but her top-notch comic timing is wasted on the humorless dialogue." Meanwhile, Salon.com concluded that the sequel "calcifies everything that was enjoyable about the first movie". Despite being panned by critics, the sequel took over $39 million in its first five days in the U.S. box office charts and went on to gross $90 million in the US. Witherspoon received a $15 million paycheck for the role - a starting point to make her consistently one of Hollywood's highest paid actresses from 2002 (9 years ago) onwards.
In 2004 (7 years ago), Witherspoon starred in Vanity Fair, adapted from the 19th-century classic novel Vanity Fair and directed by Mira Nair. Witherspoon's character – Becky Sharp – is a woman whose impoverished childhood turns her into an ambitious person with a ruthless determination to find fortune and establish herself a position in society. Witherspoon was pregnant during the filmmaking of this movie and was therefore carefully costumed to conceal her pregnancy. This pregnancy was not a hindrance to her work, as Witherspoon believed the gestation had in fact helped her portrayal of Sharp's character: "I love the luminosity that pregnancy brings, I love the fleshiness, I love the ample bosom—it gave me much more to play with", she said. The movie and Witherspoon's portrayal of Sharp received good reviews, as The Hollywood Reporter wrote, "Nair's cast is splendid. Witherspoon does justice to the juicy role by giving the part more buoyancy than naughtiness." At the same time, The Charlotte Observer called her work "an excellent performance that's soft around the edges" and the Los Angeles Times concluded that Becky is "a part Reese Witherspoon was born to play".
2005-Present: Walk the Line and beyond
Witherspoon with President Barack Obama in the Oval Office on Jun. 25, 2009In late 2004 (7 years ago), Witherspoon began working alongside Mark Ruffalo on the romantic comedy Just Like Heaven. Her character, Elizabeth Masterson, is an ambitious young doctor left in a coma by a serious car accident; her spirit returns to her old apartment where she later finds true love.
Earlier that year Witherspoon was chosen to portray Jun. Carter Cash, the second wife of country music singer and songwriter Johnny Cash, in Walk the Line. She never had the chance to meet Carter Cash, as Witherspoon was filming Vanity Fair at the time Carter Cash died. Witherspoon performed her own vocals in the movie, and her songs had to be performed in front of a live audience. When she learned that she had to perform live, Witherspoon was so worried that she asked her lawyer to terminate the movie contract. "That was the most challenging part of the role," she later recalled in an interview, "I'd never sung professionally." Subsequently, she had to spend six months learning how to sing for the role. Witherspoon's portrayal of Carter Cash was well received by critics, and Roger Ebert wrote that her performance added "boundless energy" to the movie. She won several awards for her performance, including the Golden Globe Award, the Screen Actors Guild, the BAFTA and the Academy Award for Best Actress in a Lead Role. Besides critical success in the movie industry, Witherspoon and her co-star in Walk the Line Joaquin Phoenix received a nomination for "collaborative video of the year" from the CMT Music Awards. Witherspoon expressed her passion for the movie: "I really like in this movie that it is realistic and portrays sort of a real marriage, a real relationship where there are forbidden thoughts and fallibility. And it is about compassion in the long haul, not just the short easy solutions to problems." She also spoke about Jun. Carter Cash, stating that she believed Carter Cash was a woman ahead of her time: "I think the really remarkable thing about her character is that she did all of these things that we sort of see as normal things in the 1950 (61 years ago) when it wasn't really acceptable for a woman to be married and divorced twice and have two different children by two different husbands and travel around in a car full of very famous musicians all by herself. She didn't try to comply to social convention, so I think that makes her a very modern woman."
Witherspoon's first post-Oscar role came in the modern-day fairy tale Penelope, co-starring Christina Ricci. Witherspoon played the supporting role of Annie, the best friend of Penelope, a girl who has a curse in her family. The movie was produced by Witherspoon's company Type A movies and premiered at the 2006 (5 years ago) Toronto International movie Festival. The final release date of Penelope was delayed twice, and the movie was then set for a Feb. 2008 (3 years ago) release.
Witherspoon was back in front of the camera again in Nov. 2006 (5 years ago), as shooting began for the political thriller Rendition. She starred alongside Meryl Streep, Alan Arkin, Peter Sarsgaard, and Jake Gyllenhaal (6 walls), playing Isabella El-Ibrahim, the pregnant wife of a bombing suspect. Rendition was released in Oct. 2007 (4 years ago) and marked Witherspoon's first appearance in theaters in two years, since the 2005 (6 years ago) release of Walk the Line. The movie received mostly negative reviews, and was generally considered a disappointment at the Toronto movie Festival. Witherspoon's performance was also criticized: "Reese Witherspoon is surprisingly lifeless", USA Today wrote, "She customarily injects energy and spirit into her parts, but here, her performance feels tamped down." In dec. 2007 (4 years ago), Witherspoon began filming the holiday comedy Four Christmases, a story about a couple who have to spend their Christmas Day trying to visit all four of their divorced parents, and in which she stars alongside Vince Vaughn. The movie was released in Nov. 2008 (3 years ago). Despite only receiving average reviews by critics, the movie became a box office success, earning more than 120 million US dollars domestically, and US$157m worldwide.
In 2009 (2 years ago), Witherspoon will take on the horror genre for the first time as a star of Our Family Troubles, which she will produce under the Type A banner, partnering with Jennifer Simpson, co-producer of Legally Blonde 2. She also provided the voice for Susan Murphy, the main character of the computer-animated 3-D feature movie Monsters vs. Aliens, which had a Mar. 27, 2009 (2 years ago) release from DreamWorks Animation. Her future projects include voicing in The Bear and the Bow, a computer-animated 3-D movie produced by Pixar Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures; the movie is scheduled for a release in Christmas 2011 (this year). Another movie on the slate for the future is Witherspoon is a Universal pictures (wallpaper) remake of the 1939 (72 years ago) comedy Midnight, scripted by Michael Arndt.
Witherspoon met American actor Ryan Phillippe at her 21st birthday party in Mar. 1997 (14 years ago), where she introduced herself to him saying "I think you're my birthday present." The couple became engaged in dec. 1998 (13 years ago), and got married in Charleston, South Carolina on Jun. 5, 1999 (12 years ago) at Wide Awake Plantation, following the release of the box office hit Cruel Intentions. They have two children: a daughter named Ava Elizabeth, born sep. 9, 1999 (12 years ago), and a son Deacon Reese, born Oct. 23, 2003 (8 years ago). To be able to look after the children, the couple alternated shooting schedules for their films.
By 2005 (6 years ago), in response to news reports of Witherspoon and Phillippe receiving marriage counseling, Witherspoon stated, "We've done that in the past, and it's always struck me as odd that people grabbed onto that story and made it sound so negative." In dec. 2005 (6 years ago), she said on The Oprah Winfrey Show, "In what capacity is working on yourself or your marriage a bad thing? What marriage isn't a journey?... Nobody's perfect... We all have our own set of problems." That same month, Witherspoon also said in an interview, "I think if anybody rests on the idea that they are perfect or their life is perfect or their relationship is perfect and is so troubled about destroying the facade as opposed to getting to what's real, that is troublesome."
Separation and divorce
In Oct. 2006 (5 years ago), Witherspoon and Phillippe announced that they decided to formally separate after seven years of marriage. The following month, Witherspoon filed for divorce, citing irreconcilable differences. In her petition she sought joint legal custody of their two children and sole physical custody, with full visitation rights for Phillippe. The couple had no prenuptial agreement and the couple would be entitled to half of all assets gained during the marriage under California law, with Witherspoon's being the more significant. Witherspoon requested that the court grant no spousal support for Phillippe, which he did not contest. On May 15, 2007 (4 years ago), Phillippe filed for joint physical custody of the couple's children, and made no motion to block Witherspoon from seeking support from him. In sep. 2007 (4 years ago), Witherspoon spoke openly about the separation for the first time when she told Elle magazine that it was "a difficult and frightening experience" for her. Witherspoon and Phillippe's final divorce documents were granted by the Los Angeles Superior Court on Oct. 5, 2007 (4 years ago), ending their marriage.
Throughout 2007 (4 years ago), there was persistent speculation in the mass media about a romantic relationship between Witherspoon and her Rendition co-star Jake Gyllenhaal. The pair denied the rumors while promoting Rendition in the fall of 2007 (4 years ago). However, after the finalization of Witherspoon's divorce in Oct. 2007 (4 years ago), Gyllenhaal and Witherspoon became more open with their relationship, particularly due to the release of paparazzi pictures (wallpaper) that showed the couple vacationing together in Rome. The couple has since been regularly photographed together by paparazzi. In Mar. 2008 (3 years ago), Phillippe was the first to confirm the relationship in interviews conducted during the promotion of his latest film. Witherspoon personally confirmed her relationship with Gyllenhaal in an interview for the Nov. 2008 (3 years ago) issue of Vogue magazine, calling her boyfriend "very supportive".
The Man in the Moon
Desperate Choices: To Save My Child
A Far Off Place
Jack the Bear
Twilight (54 walls)
Overnight Delivery
Cruel Intentions
Best Laid Plans
Little Nicky
American Psycho
The Trumpet of the Swan
Legally Blonde
The Importance of Being Earnest
Sweet Home Alabama
Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde
Vanity Fair
Walk the Line
Just Like Heaven
Four Christmases
Monsters vs. Aliens
King of the Hill
The Simpsons (15 walls) (1 walls)
Legally Blondes
Walk the Line
Source: en.wikipedia.org
Trik Cara Langsing Pasca-melahirkan Para Artis Hollywood
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Siapa perempuan yang paling berani? Jawabannya mungkin Heidi Klum. Hanya 5 minggu sejak melahirkan anak keempatnya, Lou, istri Seal ini sudah tampil memeragakan lingerie koleksi Victoria's Secret, November 2009. Kamis lalu, saat berlibur di Meksiko untuk merayakan ulang tahun pernikahannya yang kelima, model berusia 37 tahun ini terlihat sudah mengenakan bikini.
Dalam enam minggu, perempuan asal Jerman ini berhasil menurunkan bobotnya sebanyak 11 kg. Klum mengakui ada beberapa hal yang menguntungkan dirinya. Pertama, ia memang punya gen yang baik. Kedua, selama hamil, ia mengurangi asupan karbohidratnya. Ia juga tidak mengalami ngidam atau kelebihan berat badan. Seusai melahirkan, ia juga memberikan ASI untuk anaknya.
Ketiga, dan ini kemewahan yang hanya dimiliki para pesohor: menerbangkan pelatih pribadinya yang berbasis di New York, David Kirsch, ke rumahnya di Los Angeles. Hal ini terjadi ketika Klum harus tampil di show Victoria's Secret tahun 2005, 8 minggu setelah kelahiran anak keduanya, Henry.
Berolahraga kembali setelah mengandung 9 bulan memang tidak mudah. "Kalau Anda tidak latihan selama beberapa waktu, segala sesuatu terasa kaku," katanya.
Pola latihan yang diterapkan Kirsch adalah latihan dua kali sehari. Kemudian, ke mana pun pergi, ia membawa peralatan latihan yang bisa dilakukannya sendiri. Hal ini termasuk dua ankle weight seberat 1 kg (ingat yang dilakukan Gwyneth Paltrow?), medicine ball seberat 2 kg (mirip bola basket tapi berat, bisa dibeli di toko-toko olahraga), dan DVD Boot Camp yang diberikan Kirsch.
Keempat, mau tak mau, diet. Kirsch melakukan sweeping di lemari es Klum. Roti dan liverwurst (sosis Jerman) yang biasa jadi menu sarapannya sukses disingkirkan. Begitu pula ice cream yang ditaburi jus buah berry di atasnya. "Semuanya dilarang!" serunya, sambil menambahkan bahwa menjadi ibu dari empat anak usia 7 bulan hingga 6 tahun, juga membuatnya tetap aktif.
Lain Heidi Klum, lain pula cara para selebriti lain dalam mengembalikan berat badan normal paska melahirkan. Anda ingin mencoba trik mereka?
Adriana Lima
Seusai melahirkan Valentina, November 2009, Adriana berlatih bersama trainer Michael Oladjide di Aerospace High Performance Center. Tak tanggung-tanggung, jadwal latihannya setiap hari, bahkan kadang-kadang ia berlatih dua kali dalam sehari. Latihannya seperti boxing, lompat tali, dan latihan kardio jenis high-impact dengan durasi antara 1-2 jam.
Untuk dietnya, model asal Brasil ini tidak mengonsumsi karbohidrat, dan hanya makan protein selama tiga minggu. Sekarang ia sudah kembali makan karbohidrat, tapi menolak menghitung kalorinya. "Pokoknya saya hanya mencoba memerhatikan apa yang saya makan, hanya yang bergizi," tuturnya.
Ellen Pompeo
Menjaga berat badan tetap dilakukannya sejak hamil. Saat hamil, bintang Grey's Anatomy ini melakukan latihan tiga hari dalam seminggu, dan mengurangi makanan kemasan dalam dietnya. Tidak heran bila bobotnya turun sangat cepat begitu melahirkan.
Kelly Rutherford
Bintang Beverly Hills 90210 ini banyak makan sayuran hijau saat masih hamil. Ia sering ngidam kale kukus, lobak, dan burger kalkun organik. Setelah melahirkan, menyusui sangat berperan dalam menurunkan bobot perempuan berusia 40 tahun ini.
Parminder Nagra
Namanya juga orang India. Ketika hamil, "Aku ngidam makanan India," tutur mantan bintang serial ER ini. Rasa pedas rempah itu juga membuat metabolismenya meningkat. Empat minggu setelah melahirkan, ia langsung berolahraga kembali.
Sarah Michelle Prinze
Sebulan setelah melahirkan putri pertamanya, Sarah sudah kembali ke berat badan aslinya. Tak ada penjelasan resmi mengenai bagaimana ia membuang ekstra kilogram tersebut, tetapi selama hamil ia mengikuti kelas pilates tiga kali seminggu bersama trainer Alycea Ungaro.
Nicole Richie
Partner-nya, Joel Madden, pernah mengatakan bahwa selama hamil Nicole ngidam burger di In-N-Out. Bahkan, Nicole selalu memintanya tengah malam. Untungnya, ia segera insaf. Dua minggu setelah melahirkan anak keduanya, Sparrow, putri Lionel Richie ini sudah kembali langsing. Rahasianya adalah diet makanan organik, dan latihan pilates secara rutin.
Sumber: US Weekly
Dalam enam minggu, perempuan asal Jerman ini berhasil menurunkan bobotnya sebanyak 11 kg. Klum mengakui ada beberapa hal yang menguntungkan dirinya. Pertama, ia memang punya gen yang baik. Kedua, selama hamil, ia mengurangi asupan karbohidratnya. Ia juga tidak mengalami ngidam atau kelebihan berat badan. Seusai melahirkan, ia juga memberikan ASI untuk anaknya.
Ketiga, dan ini kemewahan yang hanya dimiliki para pesohor: menerbangkan pelatih pribadinya yang berbasis di New York, David Kirsch, ke rumahnya di Los Angeles. Hal ini terjadi ketika Klum harus tampil di show Victoria's Secret tahun 2005, 8 minggu setelah kelahiran anak keduanya, Henry.
Berolahraga kembali setelah mengandung 9 bulan memang tidak mudah. "Kalau Anda tidak latihan selama beberapa waktu, segala sesuatu terasa kaku," katanya.
Pola latihan yang diterapkan Kirsch adalah latihan dua kali sehari. Kemudian, ke mana pun pergi, ia membawa peralatan latihan yang bisa dilakukannya sendiri. Hal ini termasuk dua ankle weight seberat 1 kg (ingat yang dilakukan Gwyneth Paltrow?), medicine ball seberat 2 kg (mirip bola basket tapi berat, bisa dibeli di toko-toko olahraga), dan DVD Boot Camp yang diberikan Kirsch.
Keempat, mau tak mau, diet. Kirsch melakukan sweeping di lemari es Klum. Roti dan liverwurst (sosis Jerman) yang biasa jadi menu sarapannya sukses disingkirkan. Begitu pula ice cream yang ditaburi jus buah berry di atasnya. "Semuanya dilarang!" serunya, sambil menambahkan bahwa menjadi ibu dari empat anak usia 7 bulan hingga 6 tahun, juga membuatnya tetap aktif.
Lain Heidi Klum, lain pula cara para selebriti lain dalam mengembalikan berat badan normal paska melahirkan. Anda ingin mencoba trik mereka?
Adriana Lima
Seusai melahirkan Valentina, November 2009, Adriana berlatih bersama trainer Michael Oladjide di Aerospace High Performance Center. Tak tanggung-tanggung, jadwal latihannya setiap hari, bahkan kadang-kadang ia berlatih dua kali dalam sehari. Latihannya seperti boxing, lompat tali, dan latihan kardio jenis high-impact dengan durasi antara 1-2 jam.
Untuk dietnya, model asal Brasil ini tidak mengonsumsi karbohidrat, dan hanya makan protein selama tiga minggu. Sekarang ia sudah kembali makan karbohidrat, tapi menolak menghitung kalorinya. "Pokoknya saya hanya mencoba memerhatikan apa yang saya makan, hanya yang bergizi," tuturnya.
Ellen Pompeo
Menjaga berat badan tetap dilakukannya sejak hamil. Saat hamil, bintang Grey's Anatomy ini melakukan latihan tiga hari dalam seminggu, dan mengurangi makanan kemasan dalam dietnya. Tidak heran bila bobotnya turun sangat cepat begitu melahirkan.
Kelly Rutherford
Bintang Beverly Hills 90210 ini banyak makan sayuran hijau saat masih hamil. Ia sering ngidam kale kukus, lobak, dan burger kalkun organik. Setelah melahirkan, menyusui sangat berperan dalam menurunkan bobot perempuan berusia 40 tahun ini.
Parminder Nagra
Namanya juga orang India. Ketika hamil, "Aku ngidam makanan India," tutur mantan bintang serial ER ini. Rasa pedas rempah itu juga membuat metabolismenya meningkat. Empat minggu setelah melahirkan, ia langsung berolahraga kembali.
Sarah Michelle Prinze
Sebulan setelah melahirkan putri pertamanya, Sarah sudah kembali ke berat badan aslinya. Tak ada penjelasan resmi mengenai bagaimana ia membuang ekstra kilogram tersebut, tetapi selama hamil ia mengikuti kelas pilates tiga kali seminggu bersama trainer Alycea Ungaro.
Nicole Richie
Partner-nya, Joel Madden, pernah mengatakan bahwa selama hamil Nicole ngidam burger di In-N-Out. Bahkan, Nicole selalu memintanya tengah malam. Untungnya, ia segera insaf. Dua minggu setelah melahirkan anak keduanya, Sparrow, putri Lionel Richie ini sudah kembali langsing. Rahasianya adalah diet makanan organik, dan latihan pilates secara rutin.
Sumber: US Weekly
Tips Wanita - 4 Cara Langsing ala Supermodel
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Hanya 5 minggu sejak melahirkan anak keempatnya, Lou, Heidi Klum sudah tampil memeragakan lingerie koleksi Victoria's Secret, November 2009. Dalam enam minggu, perempuan asal Jerman ini berhasil menurunkan bobotnya sebanyak 11 kilogram. Salah satu pelatih yang membuatnya selalu tampil menawan seperti ini adalah Andrea Orbeck.
Untuk Anda yang ingin selalu langsing bagaikan supermodel, Andrea punya tips istimewa. Susah atau gampang menjalaninya, semua tergantung komitmen Anda. Kalau tidak ada usaha, keinginan untuk menjadi ramping pun tak akan pernah terwujud. Berikut sarannya:
1. Tingkatkan intensitas latihan,
khususnya apabila Anda tidak punya banyak waktu untuk latihan dengan durasi panjang
Andrea menyarankan, pada hari-hari di mana waktu Anda sangat terbatas, ganti lamanya latihan itu dengan intensitasnya. Jika Anda hanya punya waktu 30 menit, misalnya, Anda bisa mencoba latihan yang berupa rangkaian. Lakukan latihan jump, lunge, squat, diikuti dengan running stairs atau gerakan naik-turun tangga. "Lakukan apa yang Anda bisa, dan jangan selalu mengombinasikannya dengan konsep gym," tuturnya.
2. Rutin
Jangan heran atau sirik mengapa Heidi langsung langsing hanya enam minggu setelah melahirkan. Untuk kliennya yang datang dari kalangan selebriti, Andrea menerapkan enam hari latihan dan satu hari libur. Dan, jangan percaya kalau selebriti bilang mereka punya metabolisme yang baik sehingga tetap kurus meskipun makan yang enak-enak dan banyak. Mereka selalu makan dengan sehat dan menghindari lemak sepanjang minggu itu.
3. Makan dengan cukup, dan sehat
"Anda butuh cukup protein untuk menyumbang metabolisme, dan memelihara pertumbuhan jaringan dari latihan beban yang Anda lakukan. Setelah itu, Anda membutuhkan karbohidrat untuk mengisi kembali dan memberikan energi untuk beraktivitas, tetapi tidak berlebihan agar tidak disimpan sebagai lemak," kata Andrea. Kita membutuhkan keseimbangan tersebut sehingga kita makan dengan cukup untuk menjaga fisik yang ramping, tetapi tidak terlalu banyak sehingga tubuh menyimpan makanan tersebut.
4. Ngemil ala supermodel
Untuk meningkatkan metabolismenya, Heidi tidak pernah membiarkan dirinya tiga atau empat jam tanpa ngemil. Tentu, ngemildonat, martabak, gorengan, atau pizza tak masuk hitungan di sini. Anda harus memilih cemilan yang sehat, seperti buah potong, sereal, roti gandum dengan selai kacang, dan cemilan bebas lemak lainnya. Banyak orang mengira malnutrisi itu sama artinya dengan menjadi langsing. Padahal yang terjadi adalah Anda menjadi kelaparan dan metabolisme melambat. Kondisi ini akan membuat Anda lemah karena otot tidak memiliki kekuatan untuk membuatnya tetap kencang.
Sumber: Glamour
Untuk Anda yang ingin selalu langsing bagaikan supermodel, Andrea punya tips istimewa. Susah atau gampang menjalaninya, semua tergantung komitmen Anda. Kalau tidak ada usaha, keinginan untuk menjadi ramping pun tak akan pernah terwujud. Berikut sarannya:
1. Tingkatkan intensitas latihan,
khususnya apabila Anda tidak punya banyak waktu untuk latihan dengan durasi panjang
Andrea menyarankan, pada hari-hari di mana waktu Anda sangat terbatas, ganti lamanya latihan itu dengan intensitasnya. Jika Anda hanya punya waktu 30 menit, misalnya, Anda bisa mencoba latihan yang berupa rangkaian. Lakukan latihan jump, lunge, squat, diikuti dengan running stairs atau gerakan naik-turun tangga. "Lakukan apa yang Anda bisa, dan jangan selalu mengombinasikannya dengan konsep gym," tuturnya.
2. Rutin
Jangan heran atau sirik mengapa Heidi langsung langsing hanya enam minggu setelah melahirkan. Untuk kliennya yang datang dari kalangan selebriti, Andrea menerapkan enam hari latihan dan satu hari libur. Dan, jangan percaya kalau selebriti bilang mereka punya metabolisme yang baik sehingga tetap kurus meskipun makan yang enak-enak dan banyak. Mereka selalu makan dengan sehat dan menghindari lemak sepanjang minggu itu.
3. Makan dengan cukup, dan sehat
"Anda butuh cukup protein untuk menyumbang metabolisme, dan memelihara pertumbuhan jaringan dari latihan beban yang Anda lakukan. Setelah itu, Anda membutuhkan karbohidrat untuk mengisi kembali dan memberikan energi untuk beraktivitas, tetapi tidak berlebihan agar tidak disimpan sebagai lemak," kata Andrea. Kita membutuhkan keseimbangan tersebut sehingga kita makan dengan cukup untuk menjaga fisik yang ramping, tetapi tidak terlalu banyak sehingga tubuh menyimpan makanan tersebut.
4. Ngemil ala supermodel
Untuk meningkatkan metabolismenya, Heidi tidak pernah membiarkan dirinya tiga atau empat jam tanpa ngemil. Tentu, ngemildonat, martabak, gorengan, atau pizza tak masuk hitungan di sini. Anda harus memilih cemilan yang sehat, seperti buah potong, sereal, roti gandum dengan selai kacang, dan cemilan bebas lemak lainnya. Banyak orang mengira malnutrisi itu sama artinya dengan menjadi langsing. Padahal yang terjadi adalah Anda menjadi kelaparan dan metabolisme melambat. Kondisi ini akan membuat Anda lemah karena otot tidak memiliki kekuatan untuk membuatnya tetap kencang.
Sumber: Glamour
5 Negara Paling Berbahaya bagi Perempuan
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Jajak pendapat ini membuat peringkat setiap negara berdasarkan enam faktor, yakni kesehatan, diskriminasi dan ketiadaan akses terhadap berbagai sumber daya, praktek budaya dan agama, kekerasan seksual, perdagangan manusia, serta konflik kekerasan.
Sasaran kekerasan yang menentang pekerja perempuan di sektor publik, suramnya kesehatan, dan kemiskinan yang teramat menyedihkan telah menempatkan Afganistan sebagai negara paling berbahaya di dunia bagi setiap jiwa yang lahir sebagai perempuan.
“Berlanjutnya konflik, serangan udara NAT0 (Pakta Pertahanan Atlantik Utara), dan kombinasi praktek budaya telah membuat Afganistan menjadi tempat yang sangat berbahaya bagi perempuan,” kata Antonella Notari, Ketua Women Change Makers, kelompok pendukung perempuan sebagai pengusaha di dunia.
Adapun Kongo dinilai sebagai negara dengan level kekerasan seksual yang mengerikan. Menurut satu penelitian di Amerika Serikat baru-baru ini, lebih dari 400 ribu perempuan diperkosa setiap tahun. PBB menyebut Kongo sebagai “ibu kota pemerkosaan dunia”.
Kalangan aktivis hak asasi menyebutkan semua usia menjadi sasaran kelompok-kelompok milisi dan tentara. “Mereka gang pemerkosa, memerkosa dengan bayonet dan senjata serta mengarahkan senjatanya ke vagina para perempuan.”
Munculnya nama India di urutan keempat negara paling berbahaya bagi perempuan di luar dugaan. India, sebagai negara yang menuju superpower di bidang ekonomi, menjadi tempat berbahaya bagi perempuan karena tingginya tingkat pembunuhan bayi perempuan dan perdagangan manusia untuk bisnis seks.
Sementara itu, Menteri Perempuan Somalia mengaku terkejut karena negaranya ditempatkan di urutan kelima negara paling berbahaya bagi perempuan. “Saya kira Somalia berada di urutan pertama dalam daftar itu, bukan kelima,” ujarnya.
Jajak pendapat oleh Thomson Reuters Foundation itu dilakukan untuk mengawali peluncuran situs TrustLaw Woman yang bertujuan memberikan bantuan hukum secara gratis bagi setiap kelompok perempuan di seluruh dunia.
TEMPO Interaktif,
Kamis, 16 Juni 2011
Download Opera Mini 6 Via Pc Komputer
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Opera Mini adalah browser yang digunakan untuk ponsel. Selain dapat di download melalui Handphone langsung anda juga bisa dapat mendownloadnya via Komputer / PC melalui koneksi internet warnet, kantor jadi dapat menghemat biaya GPRS di handphone kamu , IRit Pulsa ?

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